
The super powers are reportedly explained by Sivana having the Eye of Something-or-Other (I forgot, sorry) in place of one of his own eyes.  I predict he loses the Eye by the end of the film and becomes a more standard mad scientist in any sequel.

I starred this comment as I started reading it, but then had to unstar it when I got to the end — Chuck season 4 was absolutely amazing. For reasons too complicated to explain here, my wife and I marathoned it in a few days and were absolutely blown away by how epic it felt (and that was despite the budget cuts).

I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to beat up on you, but the way you phrased it made it sound like this was a fact you knew rather that something you were just speculating about. Since I’m a big fan of the movie and DMC, but had never heard that the car was intended as product placement and I knew that the timeline didn’t

Sorry, I didn’t know it had gotten a theatrical re-release in the United States after the 1970s! I thought it was only overseas markets that got the later releases, but Wikipedia tells me I’m wrong.

Hot Take: Single stream recycling is the worst thing ever to happen to recycling. When it was first being introduced, my immediate thought was, “Great, this is just going to encourage people to think of recycling cans as garbage cans even more than they already do,” and I think I’ve been proven right in this conclusion

And government needs to look at adding extra tax on items that have features that make them more difficult or impossible to recycle... or a credit for things that are easier to recycle.

What also ended up was tanker trucks of spent solvents from the nearby naugahyde plant.

I saw it in the theater back in the early ‘80s too.  I’m guessing you’re also Canadian from those two facts.

I like the fact that Fr. Robinson had the same reaction my mother and I did after seeing the movie. We’re both Catholics and liked the movie, but agreed that it was very Catholic in its storytelling and that we were surprised protestants reacted to it as positively as they did.

I say this not out of cruelty, but out of genuine awe at your being able to deduce all that from this one map:

I’m very curious about a source for the DeLorean having been placed in BttF as a “product placement advertising gimmick” given that DMC was out of business more than a year before they started shooting the film. 

I’m still holding out for Henry Simmons to jump from Marvel to DC to play John Irons/Steel:

I’d hope someone would have the decency to put a copy of the Financial Times or something else better than the Daily Mail in front of you though.

Given that Prince Philip walked away from a rollover car wreck at the age of 97, I’m prepared to believe there’s something hinky going on there.

I’d say “too soon,” but you wrote this over 9 years after the attacks and about 8.5 years before I saw your comment, so I think we’re good at this point.

I don’t know, but when I saw the image and title on the preview ribbon, I thought he had died....

I’m like 99.9% sure we’re meant to assume no one on that bus died.

It makes sense in universe though since presumably Batman/Bruce Wayne wouldn’t be recording audio clips for toys.

I thought it had been confirmed that it’s going to be Philadelphia in the movie, not Fawcett City?

No, it’s Djimon Hounsou.