
I’d suggest the bigger problem is that having Nia come out as transgender before revealing she’s an alien makes a mess of things by implicitly calling into question whether the character is really transgender or not (I know the real life actress playing the role is, but that doesn’t mean the character automatically is)

How exactly can Alec Baldwin’s character come back when he was killed off in Fallout?

The expiration dates on canned goods are largely advisory. You can safely use most canned goods for years after they’ve “expired.”

My strategy of just continuing to use a 1080P plasma and Blu-ray player purchased in 2006 looks solid for the foreseeable future.

There’s no way a new version will be allowed to be anywhere near as traumatizing for kids as the original, at least not without scoring a PG-13 rating. 

Thank you, I had somehow overlooked that.

Kotomichi talked with Tagomi about originally being from Nagasaki in season 1 (which hinted at him being a traveler based on his burns), but when did Kotomichi actually say he was a traveler?

Guyliner, please.

That’s just ass-backwards, my friend.

Their lemonade really is the best thing there.  I assuage my guilt over patronizing a homophobic business by getting lots of refills -- I’m drinking away their profits one delicious, hate-filled drop of lemonade at a time!

I would submit that your problem is that you’re not consuming your Chick-fil-a fries quickly enough. They have about a seven minute window of excellence after coming out of the fryer and then their quality deteriorates very rapidly.

You know that your comment could literally be cut and pasted from 50,000 different comment threads on various right-wing sites complaining about celebrities making comments about various current events, right?

I starred this because, while I have bookcases filled to the brim, I rarely invite people into my house and, when I have on occasion invited someone over, literally no one has ever even glanced at my shelves, let alone commented on the books there, so I’m definitely not keeping the books around to impress people.

Let me guess - she’s also one of those designers who wraps people’s books in gift wrap to make them more “fun”?

I starred this because I LOL’ed, but I don’t think of fastidious and pedantic as synonyms.

You missed out on the best of the new films if you skipped Rogue One.

I’m in the same boat. No way would I try to play, but these kinds of epic stories that come out of it are amazing. (I recently Kickstarted the second volume of the Empires of Eve history book., having missed the first volume a couple years back.)

What logical pizza shop are you going to where they specify the size by diameter in inches?

To be fair, #7 has no connection with Florida!