
I don’t get it?

That’s probably more to do with avoiding to committing to Peter being a specific age than anything Endgame related. (If you watch closely, a lot of franchise films avoid showing years on driver’s licenses, tombstones, etc. unless it’s specifically required for the plot.)

I don’t object to the term quite as much in this specific context where it looks like at least part of the episodes are going to be remakes of original series episodes.

McGoohan’s prequel to the Prisoner, Danger Man

I think her eyes look smaller than they did in the earlier pictures that were released.

Am I the only one who didn’t think the last one was all that good? The reveal about Cavill was telegraphed from a mile away, the film had two third acts, and that second third act was such. a. fucking. drag. That helicopter fight was cool for the first few minutes but then it kept on going and going and going...

The Empire podcasts with McQuarrie are insane! It’s like how did is it possible to make that many by-the-seat-of-your-pants decisions during filming and come up with something this amazingly good? 

I know! It’s really under-remarked how this franchise has actually managed to continuously improve over six(!) films. If this trend continues over the next two, I might actually die from the inability of my body to accommodate the sheer experience of film # 8.

The teaser trailer for MI:F is indeed a work of art in and of itself between the editing and music. It’s one of my top 10 favorite trailers of all time, probably one of the top five although it really gets hard to rank them at that stage.

Guyliner, please.

Because in Doctor Who the entire physical universe has literally been rewritten multiple times within the show’s own storyline?

That’s just ass-backwards, my friend.

Their lemonade really is the best thing there.  I assuage my guilt over patronizing a homophobic business by getting lots of refills -- I’m drinking away their profits one delicious, hate-filled drop of lemonade at a time!

I would submit that your problem is that you’re not consuming your Chick-fil-a fries quickly enough. They have about a seven minute window of excellence after coming out of the fryer and then their quality deteriorates very rapidly.

You know that your comment could literally be cut and pasted from 50,000 different comment threads on various right-wing sites complaining about celebrities making comments about various current events, right?

I starred this because, while I have bookcases filled to the brim, I rarely invite people into my house and, when I have on occasion invited someone over, literally no one has ever even glanced at my shelves, let alone commented on the books there, so I’m definitely not keeping the books around to impress people.

The level of ignorance among journalists about different types of IP law always shocks because, unlikely most legal subjects, it’s directly and highly relevant to their own work.

Remember: always come back right. Unless you can come back Wong.  Then come back Wong.

Let me guess - she’s also one of those designers who wraps people’s books in gift wrap to make them more “fun”?

I starred this because I LOL’ed, but I don’t think of fastidious and pedantic as synonyms.