
Jesus, why won’t this song go away?

Hmmm. I went on a trip to France this past summer and encountered self-serve kiosks for the first time and, since the kiosks are ubiquitous there, there was no one to assist me. It still only took me a few minutes the first time to work through it to get my order right. My orders also always came out correctly

Voted by whom?

I’m in a similar boat — I’ve seen none of them, never heard of 16 of them before this list, and, of the nine I’d previously heard of, four of those I only know from seeing mentions of them by people in the context of year-end “Best Films” lists, so it’s more “meta-awareness” than actually knowing anything about them.

I’m not sure about “hot mess,” but there is just something undefinably bland about all the live action Aladdin material I’ve seen, even though this should be the most exotic live action remake Disney’s done to date.

In what world is iron man 3 good?

Am I the only person going WTF at that information about The Terror?  Does the show suddenly feature time travel or something?  Because literally nothing in that description makes sense in the context of the original novel.

For some reason the image of the actual live action Jafar doesn’t seem to be showing up in my original reply and Kinja won’t let me edit it either.  Let’s try this:

He apparently looks like this:

Sorry,the behavior of the priest and coach were both bad, but I can’t get past the fact that they named their kid “house” in French....

How did this review get written without mentioning that BD Wong is in the cast of the film?!?!  (I’m not even going to apologize for the giant picture of BD Wong embedded in this comment.  Why?  Because it’s a picture of BD Wong, dammit!)

You’re welcome! And this thread demonstrates both (2) and (3): Drewcrosby is a followed commenter, so his reply to you ungreyed your comment. Your reply to me ungreyed my comment because Drewcrosby had already brought you out of the greys. If I had responded to you originally instead of Drewcrosby, we’d both be having 

Wait a minute, are you telling me that China of the present now controls the means to define when things happened in the past? I know how this ends....

You have to become a “followed” commenter by the blog for all of your comments to appear in black automatically, otherwise your comments will only be lifted out of the greys if either (1) a blogger or already followed commenter stars your comment, (2) a blogger or already followed commenter replies to your comment, or

Now can we get American TV shows to drop subtitles for people who are speaking fucking English with an accent?

Except that failing to provide subtitles for foreign language dialogue in a film does omit something and is often done for the purposes of provoking a feeling of alienation in the audience. It’s thus hardly shocking that people have that reaction here. As I noted in another comment, there’s even a section in the

I’m fluent in French (six years of French immersion schooling; eight years of occasional study, including upper division university-level French literature and history classes; spent a three-week vacation in France this past summer) but I still prefer to watch French-language media with subtitles to make certain that

At this point I’m wondering if they’re going to wait until Episode IX’s release and the response to it before finally moving forward with any other films.

Now playing

Can we please get over this Toto/Africa revival?

Except that I don’t have any issue with those ingredients. (And that example is kind of funny — Southern Comfort Eggnog is my wife’s favorite eggnog.)