
Vibro axe, surely?

Wouldn’t an american Bond just be Mission Impossible more or less

Never having read any of the books and only having seen the first Harry Potter movie, I don’t have a lot of insight to offer on this except to repeat the point that I’ve made previously: the critique about Rowling “appropriating” Native American names for the North American wizarding schools is incredibly stupid

I want James Bond to not be Ernst Stavro Blofeld’s estranged adopted brother.

I don’t see it, especially with Mission Impossible being owned by a different production company and being a pretty successful franchise in its own right these days. (Universal, which is going to be involved with Eon and MGM in the next Bond film, does, however, appear to own at least part of the rights to Airwolf . .

John Goodman is an American treasure, damn it!  Leave him out of this!

Why the fuck to conspiracy theorists have to come up with the most unlikely chain of events to support their crackpot theories?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as truly whackadoodle on the left as chemtrails and this DEW nonsense, theories that posit the existence of thousands of people working together in secret or technology that violates/ignores basic science.

except that it’s illegal to profit from selling your story about a crime you are ultimately convicted of.

As an owner of Unstable Unicorns, I would suggest it is like Uno in that it is AWFUL, but it has unclear rules and can go on FOREVER. I played a six player game of it and people were looking for ways to throw the game, eventually.

This wasn’t even a movie! It had no structure!! Everything important is canon-breaking or willfully misleading!!!

In most U.S. jurisdictions, a private employer absolutely can fire an employee for making political statements. There are a handful of jurisdictions that prohibit private employers from doing that as a matter of statutory law, but that doesn’t implicate the First Amendment. The only employers constrained in firing

Aren’t “ruff drafts” written by a dog?

Better than a Mummenschanztroll!

I’m curious to know when the rights to “The King of the Elves” will revert back to the PKD estate. It seems unlikely that they sold the rights to Disney with no reversion right if a film isn’t made within a specific window of time.

I’ve been wondering about the crows ever since this was announced....

Add me to the list of commenters who disapproves of the use of “smol boi” in a headline without any further explanation. I kept waiting for the term to be defined in the post as I thought it was either some abbreviated astronomic term or perhaps a geometry term to describe the shape of the object.

Having fewer spaces than the official board is a very common feature of specialty Monopoly games. It’s presumably intended to speed up play. (Just like most specialty Monopoly games get rid of the idea of house/hotel building and are just about buying the base properties.)

I compensate for that by making a point of getting lots of refills on lemonade — I’m bleeding them dry one delicious, homophobic drop of lemonade at time!