I’m hoping that’s a characterization of how some other people might have reacted to the title, not Dowd’s own reaction, because yes, that’s stupid shit and anyone who actually had such a thought should feel bad about themselves as a human being.
I’m hoping that’s a characterization of how some other people might have reacted to the title, not Dowd’s own reaction, because yes, that’s stupid shit and anyone who actually had such a thought should feel bad about themselves as a human being.
It could be added that the number of deaths in the course of the entire U.S. space program is microscopic — about an order of magnitude more people have been killed by vending machines in United States since 1967 (the first year with a fatality in the U.S. space program) than have been killed in connection with the…
I have mixed feelings about the explosion of meta comedy. On the one hand, as a fairly pop culture savvy adult, I really enjoy it personally. On the other hand, as the parent of a 7 and 5 year-old, I feel sorry for them because meta and deconstructive entertainment makes up a huge percentage of the media they are…
Occasionally there are shortages of flu vaccine for a variety of reasons and in those limited instances I think healthy adults have been discouraged from getting the vaccine, but normally that’s not the case.
So if you’re not vaccinated for yellow fever (which you probably aren’t if you live in a developed country), are you an “anti-vaxxer”? Because I absolutely believe in the science of vaccines, but I don’t get flu shots because I don’t find that the cost-benefit analysis makes sense, which is the exact same reason you…
Except that according to the CDC between 70 to 90% of flu deaths are people 65 or older (source: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pdf/freeresources/seniors/65-and-older-matte.pdf ), so, all things being equal, you’re much more likely to be killing old people.
Youth and health is no protection.
Yes, but wearing a bike helmet doesn’t cause me to reliably suffer flu-like symptoms for three to four days after putting it on. I completely believe in the efficacy of vaccines, but I also believe in cost-benefit analysis.
You know, this would explain why it is that, when I accidentally bump into people on the street or on the bus, so many of them respond, “I was an adventurer too, until I took an arrow to the knee.”
Thanks, I was literally just coming down here to point out “Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong” and “Jimmy Olsen’s Blues” were genuine hits for the Spin Doctors. They’re really more in the “one-album wonder” category than the “one-hit wonder” category.
In support of their goal of world domination, the Nazis had various pseudo-scientific theories (often based on things like skull shapes, the traditional use of swastika motifs by a culture, etc.) that they claimed proved numerous ethnic groups were “Aryan,” thus both serving as a justification for German interests in…
The real question is when are we finally going to get federal legislation requiring that raisin cookies, whether produced commercially or homemade, have the international “No” symbol branded into their surfaces for the protection of decent, God-fearing chocolate chip cookie fans? I would also support some sort of…
OK, just stop before you say something really embarrassing like that you actually enjoy cookies with raisins in them.
So you’re saying no one cared about Tom Hardy even after he put on the mask?
The nationality of the enemy pilots in Top Gun was actually deliberately ambiguous (https://taskandpurpose.com/top-gun-enemy-aircraft/), which I think arguably supports your point even stronger.
Yeah, I figured that many of them weren’t, at least for chain/franchise type places, but didn’t want to assume all of them weren’t.
An 11-percent tip might sound stingy compared to the suggested 15-20 percent you’d tip at a full-service restaurant, but customers likely don’t equate the effort that goes into pouring a cup of coffee with the effort of waiting on a table for a full dinner.
Yes, I missed that announcement, thanks!
This list of myths supports my view that a lot of people who aren’t registered to vote are not victims of voter suppression and that increasing the ease of voter registration isn’t the panacea people make it out to be — literally half the myths are based on people trying to evade some other obligation or otherwise…
Oh good, I hadn’t heard that. Given how long they went since the last season and the change in show runners, I was worried they were just going to try to wrap the whole thing up.