
Isn’t The Outsiders usually read in middle school rather than high school?  That’s when everyone I know who’s mentioned it read it.

I read it and I couldn’t begin to tell you what the point of the story was....

Last I checked, they don’t hand you a suitcase full of cash at the end of a tournament. Typically you pose with a giant fake check for photos and then either they give you a real check or they wire the funds to your account if you’ve provided that information.

Wow, talk about adding insult to injury — no one should be forced to live with a copy of Paycheck in their possession!

I think it’s not very wide, unfortunately, which is why the studios started reducing them in the first place. DVD “extras” were introduced as a way to encourage people to pay the higher price for DVDs as compared to VHS — you were getting more by buying the DVD. When a sufficiently large mass of people had adopted

Adopting an alternate spelling doesn’t get around the trademark if there’s still a likelihood of confusion. (“Syfy” is also inapposite because in that case the network was looking for a word it could trademark. In the case of “comic-con” you need a word that doesn’t infringe an existing trademark.)

***cough***Yogi Berra-ism***cough***

I would strenuously dispute that Black Panthers a “run of the mill superhero film (I’d say it has to be in any credible top five ranking of best films in the genre), but I do agree that it’s probably not “Best Picture” worthy.

Michael B Jordan was pointlessly angry, a rampant misogynist, and otherwise one of the MCU’s most forgettable villains.

Unless you’re still paying the disk subscription fee, I don’t think you’re included in that stat.

I know how to stream, but I have literally hundreds of movies in my queue that aren’t available for streaming, so why would I give up the disk option?

+1 I don’t understand how someone could work for a site that does movie reviews and not be aware that Netflix’s disk catalog is far, far larger than its streaming catalog (let alone that many older and/or foreign films are not available for streaming on any legal platform).

Supplemental materials on DVDs were actually in decline even before streaming became a thing, but the introduction of Blu-ray revived them.  Streaming, unfortunately, will probably permanently kill them off outside of specialty releases by ShoutFactory, Criterion, and a handful of others.

+1 That’s why I went with disks when they split the service. At that time, I had 497 movies in my queue — 334 were only available on disk; 6 were only available streaming; 157 were available on both. I just watched the 6 streaming-only titles in a marathon weekend and then selected the disk-only option going forward

I don’t know about his specific situation, but I think there are some library systems that don’t stock R-rated movies.

You can’t search and build your own queue on streaming anymore?

I promise that I returned Klute after I watched a couple years ago, so that one’s not on me.

Ya’ know, they still sell these things called “DVD players”....

I was going for the Anglicized translation, but yes.

That said, I think a lot of the controversy comes from how confused the movie’s own message is. Mulan is unhappy with her role in society, discovers a new role she excels in, and it up (despite an offer from the highest authority in the land to live basically however she pleases) and goes back to the life