Shouldn’t that technically be #LotsOfPlanetsHaveANorthAgain?
Shouldn’t that technically be #LotsOfPlanetsHaveANorthAgain?
Chastain had enough clout to ask that women of color be included in this.
I’m not suggesting anything one way or another on that. I’m just pointing out that the alleged victim’s stated rationale for dropping criminal charges is completely at odds with the obvious and inevitable consequences of her subsequent choice of filing a civil suit.
My irony meter broke on hearing that someone doesn’t want to go through the pressure of being an accuser in a criminal trial but does want to be a plaintiff in a civil case largely concerning the same subject matter. (A plaintiff in a civil case is going to be subject to a much more invasive examination than an…
That style of selecting governing officials is called sortition: I think it would be interesting if some part of Congress was selected in that manner (say 10%).
Starred because that was a trick my father taught me many, many years ago, but with the added detail of using a visually distinct wallet (e.g., it’s a green wallet when your regular one is black) for the throwaway with fake credit cards or similar things you get in junk mail (so long as they don’t have your real…
It’s subject to FCC regulation for some technical aspects of its operations, but it’s not subject to licensing like a broadcaster, so there are no content regulations that the FCC could enforce against it. That said, airing false information could theoretically subject it to state law claims for defamation (TV…
FoxNews isn’t a “broadcaster” under the FCC’s regulations. It’s a cable outlet (like CNN), and thus it is subject to much less scrutiny than ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.
You can sue for slander and personal defamation in US courts; it’s easier than a British libel case
There needs to be a term for news stories where the reporter clearly thinks the subject of the story is sympathetic, understandable, or otherwise worthy of the moral concern of the readership, but the vast majority of readers subsequently make clear that they don’t have that sort of view of the subject at all. (See…
When they were toddlers, they ate pretty much anything and I was thrilled. As they got older, my older daughter got more and more picky, until she was eating maybe six different foods.
Starred for the M.A.S.H. reference!
Kids (infant all the way to teenage years) make so much noise in an environment where sometimes life-and-death hinges on being able to be quiet for just a few minutes.
I find that certain Star Wars fans value lore, details, backstory, and interconnectedness more than they value other dramatic concerns.
Indeed. I enjoyed TLJ (it’s not the best SW film, but better than several others), but I find it increasingly annoying that defenders of TLJ are getting to point of actively lying about what happened in TFA to try to cover up flaws in TLJ.
Yes, I’m getting really tired of being accused of being (a) a misogynist and/or (b) a white supremacist for wanting a film that does a better job of building on themes and storylines set up by the immediately previous film (you know, the film that also starred a woman and two PoC actors in major roles).
Is that three Shick Quattro heads on the front of that thing?
I miss when GTA had no such thing as DLC and what you paid for on the disk was all you got!
As others have noted, Scott appears to have been scammed, but there are so many red flags and weird things in her account that the author probably should have profiled someone else.
Sorry, but what’s a “heat case”? Google isn’t turning up anything promising in the way of a definition.