
Legally speaking, declaring a state of national emergency would give the president more power to waive privacy laws and Medicaid regulations, according to the newspaper. In contrast, declaring a public health emergency under the Public Health Services Act triggers a significantly more limited response.

From the post:

He’s probably the same person who goes around saying they haven’t paid in cash for anything in two years, so why does anybody worry about having cash on hand?

I didn’t watch any of the preview videos. These points that would reduce the population are mentioned in the film that I can recall:

To be fair to this particular film, it was being true to the original movie.

Why are there more spinners in 2019?

While most of that might seem improbable, wasn’t Oldsmobile at least already in decline by 1982? I have no positive recollections of the brand by the early ‘80s.

Shouldn’t that be, “Before killing her a product, a product says to another product ‘I hope you’ve enjoyed our product’”?

You managed to accidentally get the gender pronoun wrong three separate times? 

Yes, I was going to say that the consequence of outlawing confidential settlement agreements would almost certainly be causing more cases to go to trial because, all things being equal, defendants are going to be less likely to settle or otherwise insist on a lower settlement amount if they thought any settlement

Someone linked the relevant strip up-thread. It’s not true.

we’re implicitly undercutting the contributions, and the needs, of the people who pay in by student loan, by buying bonds, and by parking tickets.

Even if you’re only referencing the federal government, the vast majority of the population directly pays federal taxes of some sort — Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid taxes apply to earnings even if your income is too low to pay federal income tax and federal sales taxes are charged on gasoline, tobacco, and

Taxes do not pay for anything. Those dollars disappear from the money supply when they’re collected. The government issues new money to spend when it wants to fund things. The idea that those two numbers should be in balance is holdover thinking from the gold standard, a system that was fundamentally based in

I’m not a Louis C.K. fan, but if he wrote, directed, and produced the film himself, then he’s certainly an “auteur” in that the film presumably reflects his own personal vision of what it should look like with minimal or zero studio interference.

Assuming that actually happened, that’s much more Letterman’s style than Leno’s.

The rumors about Louis are prevalent enough that he has now had to deny or circumnavigate them in two separate interviews.

Sci-Fi faces the same problems. Why are all the Klingons black?

I’m really not getting why it’s “hypocritical” to have someone on the show as a guest and then make fun of them afterwards. I’m pretty sure the show has done plenty of skits over the years that mocked prior hosts. (Off the top of my head, I know that the show has done skits about Ben Affleck, Tom Hanks, Alec