Roger Cossack Army

Honey, i shrunk Rob Ford.

Bandit: Ray-Ray never imagined he would be the one...

Franz Ferdinand has seen worse Black Hands.

A 13 y.o. kid gets to watch his idols play professional basketball from up close and ends up befriending a young sports writer (adorable).

You've got a lot of stones writing this, Tom-Ley.

What gets me are the live, or in-the-moment, interviews of witnesses when in all likelihood even the witness herself doesn’t know what happened. I’m curious for your thoughts, Barry. Regardless of the ugliness of the reporting, is there a value in that? Or is it just another 30 seconds of airtime for CNN to fill?

usually I am not one to criticise, but I cannot believe they didn’t realise their mistake. they really need to find out who authorised this, because I cannot find any way to rationalise such an error.

If I’ve learned anything from sports, it’s that you can’t just deck women at home and expect to get away with it.

Reggie must have said this 10 times during the game. I kept waiting to see if any of his “puns” would eventually meet the criteria of actually being puns.

Favre: Where'd you shave?

When it comes to vile, bigotry-laced protests based on racial inequality in the United States, act like you've been there before.

Sorry, don't have time to watch a 25 minute video.