Roger Cossack Army

No expert here, but as I understand the “protected class” designation, businesses are allowed to refuse service to anyone for any reason, just so long as they aren’t refusing service to members of a protected class, and specifically for the reasons of their being in that protected class.

There are at least 100 million more people who can dunk than can hit a homer.

As a white person who was incredibly mad about the Lost finale, that line was the best thing I’ve read in a while.

You mentioned the bisque!

“Yeah but this guy would totally beat the shit out of Serena Williams” - John McEnroe (also Clay Travis)

I can’t stop thinking of Dee from It’s Always Sunny when I see her picture:

“I’m not smart enough to know the difference” but here, let me implicitly and explicitly continue to aid and abet the exact system that gave rise to the gender gap in the first place. GTFO with this idiot’s “aw schucks” defense.

I’m surprised that team owners haven’t wrested away the actual jersey manufacturers from the leagues yet. Manchester United gets about the same per year from Adidas as they do from Chevy.

Just wanted to hop on and post a belated thanks for this. My YouTube page is now filled with recommendations to watch old snooker highlight videos, and I can’t get enough of it.

Oh shit, my namesake was among the layoffs.

Counterpoint: rookies in professional sports should decide where they get to play, and good for her.

If this isn’t on 2017's year-end list of best comments, something has gone horribly wrong. +1

Now playing

Christmas song with an appealing and interesting rhythm?

Whatever strategy the front office was hoping to execute by going cheap on the offensive line, it isn’t working.

I’m sure the whole reason Nenê started playing basketball in the first place is that he was out there getting nutmegged like crazy on the soccer field. Now, he isn’t safe anywhere.

Well, as a true blood Republican I am just sick and tired of all of these Big Government regulations getting in the way of what the people really want for themselves.

“The best part of this video is the five seconds of silence at the end, after Francesa circles back to the breast pumps.”

Went to school in Missouri - chili + cinnamon roll was a very common and very delicious lunch.

+1. Tears, laughter.

Hey, Albert, not sure if you’ll see this since it’s been almost a year to the day of this post, but I just wanted to say: thanks for writing this. I returned to this article thanks to someone on Twitter linking it in response to a similarly-themed essay in a Houston paper, and holy crap it’s even better than I