
Fucking hell, i wish I had all my Sega Master and Genesis games now...

Fucking hell, i wish I had all my Sega Master and Genesis games now...

Yeah... citizencon was a wreck. More teased info about SQ42 that will undoubtably be pushed back.

Women generals in a video game? Fucking hell it’s the end of the world

Yeah, very few games from that era have really good voice acting, especially not from what could be considered Japan’s “indie”-tier devs.

From Soft isn’t new to this kind of thing, remember.

Needs Einhander, Koudelka, Silent Hill, Soul Reaver, Kings Field so folks can see where From Software came from..

Spiderman’s world is one with more moral absolutes and less shades of grey. We get plenty of ‘shades of grey’ in tons of media. I think it’s refreshing to have a simple idealistic version of the world where the law is looking out for the people and getting the bad guys.

literally unplayable

Cannon and Galnet released statements about how the Gnosis was jumping into dangerous alien infested territory more than a week ago. The eagle eye also was a separate warning this week. Frontier did their best to let everyone know what was happening without outright spoiling the events.

Both Galnet and Cannon released statements warning players of dangerous alien activity weeks in advance.

This headline is a bit misleading, frontier didn’t interfere with the jump. They are in complete control of where the Gnosis goes, Cannon only submits a flight plan proposal to them. In this situation they are the GM and we are the players (that includes Cannon). If I say “I am going to go passed these impassable

So... one year later and it’s right back to Destiny 1 again but tacked onto their goofy energy system. What a colossal waste of time and potential.

Wrong. I won’t touch this garbage again.

You don’t get through it. No one does. We suffer and we watch people we care about die to gun violence over and over again until we too find ourselves settling into our graves. Between now and then, not a single attempt to address guns will see the light of day.

Yep, this is the issue. One side wants to try something, anything. The other side will not budge. I got into it with someone claiming he “wasn’t a gun nut and was reasonable.” I suggested that we have a free registration that they need to renew and he flew off the handle. Something along the lines of:

“Fuck you, HOW

I get the purpose of this article is to touch on gun control, but really avoiding Destiny 2 for lots of other reasons works well too. Just don’t play it.

Looks like there’s a meter or number of times before you go back to the checkpoint. Watch the video he dies in it.

Oh no, I agree. I came down *hard* on Price for her idiotic behavior, and I slammed Kotaku for their biased as fuck reporting of the situation. I pointed out how when someone they disagree with does the same thing they’ll be calling for his/her dismissal or at least quietly hinting at it but they went out of their way

“One told off a guy for being an asshole.”

Let me correct that: “One told off her employer’s partner for engaging in a respectful conversation and then proceeded to demean him repeatedly.”