
Today is the day Donald Trump became President.

“Stables” is a reference to lingo used in poker staking. The player is often referred to as a “horse.” Thus, the players someone backs comprises a “stable.”

Unqualified to be President because of that tan suit. Beneath the dignity of the office.

The first tape I ever bought was Milli Vanilli. I received a Fine Young Cannibals CD as a gift, but didn’t have a CD player, so I traded it in at Musicland.

lol “time to start thinking about vacation.”

He was a bootstrapper. If he was hungry, he didn’t whine about it wait for a handout, he DID something about it and ate that hand!

Today is the day Donald Trump became President.

So am I right in assuming this means the Knicks want Jeremy Lin back?

Chris Kluwe got out of the game too soon.

Got a stuffed crust pizza from Little Caesars the other day. It was better cold than hot (not that it was bad hot). I think the reason for it was that it had better structural integrity when the stuffed cheese was solid.

One of the best pizza places near my house does square cuts. The thing I love about it is that the cuts are fairly small, so combined with the thin-ish pizza and its deliciousness, I feel like I can inhale much more pizza than I would be able to elsewhere. I never get full.

What the fuck do I care about the “culture” of this country? We don’t have one, really, but I really don’t give a flying fuck if someone comes here and keep up their traditions and culture and whatever. Do what the fuck you want. As long as you are a decent person, come on in and live a happy life.

Speaking of former New York Giants players, Mike Pence also refused to shake the hand of Pepper Johnson because he assumed he was too spicy.

Hidden in those expense figures is a $29.8 million line item for cheese and other various sauces.

lol fucking “gratitude”

It appears to be some sort of Special Olympics contingent.

It’s a photo-op for Republicans. It’s purely political. Just like how Trump tries to tout African-American unemployment numbers and how he gets Bob Johnson to say something nice about him and the economy, it’s all a way for them to say, “See? We love The Blacks!” and actually have a couple data points they can use to

Lol a Republican henchman doing the right thing. That's adorable.

Stormtrooper FN-007