Someone needs to go to one of those spy stores and get a glasses cam or button cam to record what’s going on.
Someone needs to go to one of those spy stores and get a glasses cam or button cam to record what’s going on.
I went to the DC fireworks once. It was hell. I can only imagine what it’s going to be like now.
Biden needs to learn that he should just admit that he was wrong about certain things (unless he thinks he wasn’t wrong, I suppose). I would have much more respect for him if he said, “Yeah, what I did/said then was not the right decision, even though I thought it was at the time. I have grown since then and…
I can’t even get a yarmulke to stay on my head. Props to Coby.
The way he held the bat, it almost looked like he was TRYING to bunt the ball back at his face.
Insider’s look at the trade negotiations:
Maybe he just liked Murray State better?
Let’s get rid of U.S. flag postage stamps, then. Can’t have them desecrated by a cancellation marking and then thrown in the garbage.
So...I guess Donald Trump should be fired, too?
I figure the way to justify buying the minis when you have the originals is simply that it’s fun.
I’m 40+ years old and generally hate streaming/YouTube culture, but I’ll admit I’ve found DD entertaining. I rarely watch a live stream, but sometimes check out his YouTube videos. He’s playing a character, basically a gamer wrapped in a wrestling package. When I saw some interviews with him as Guy, I appreciated more…
He’s a really nice guy, too. I was an extra on a movie he directed that recently finished filming and he couldn’t have been more friendly to everyone, no matter how unimportant someone was. And if mistakes happened, as they do, he just cracked a joke, made people feel at ease, and went ahead with the next take.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a player who gets butthurt more often than Bumgarner.
Man, was PS Classic a flop. I thought I got a steal when I bought it from Target for $36 with a Cartwheel discount. I’m tempted to just get another for $30 as a modding toy.
Man, was PS Classic a flop. I thought I got a steal when I bought it from Target for $36 with a Cartwheel discount.…
At least it's not a tan suit. Could you imagine?
It’s certainly a copout statement, but there was a difference between Nazis and regular German soldiers. Plenty of German soldiers actually hated Nazis and there were several plots my high ranking officers to assassinate Hitler.
Time for a salad spork.
I have the Oculus Go and glasses work fine with the included spacer. In fact, my family uses the spacer and they don’t wear glasses.