
Based on the trailer, the Franco twins might be loosely inspired by the Mitchell brothers (I know they weren't twins, but that's where the "loosely inspired" part comes in). If that's the case, then your covered comment is likely true.

I just thought it was the diabeetus!

All those people that laughed at me for saving my own urine - well who's laughing now?

I'm really surprised Bronn's not higher on the list of potentially doomed this week, given that Cersei knows he was responsible for Jaime's clandestine meeting with Tyrion. Jaime crossed her but she gave him a pass because she loves him, but I can totally see Bronn getting a visit from Ser FrankenMountain this week.

Or back to Rockville.

Wish I could upvote this comment more. Hey, it's all history, right?

Safe words, who needs 'em?

That was when they were the Evil Empire. Now they are just an oligarchy, like us!

Trump is one case where the bad lip reading versions of his videos might be more coherent than the real thing.

Ed Harris was in the miniseries - he was the General at the military base where the Captain Trips outbreak originated. A Knightriders era Harris would have been a much better Stu Redman than Gary Sinise. To bad the show hadn't been a decade earlier.

Probably for the best, because some of them want to use you.

Damn synonyms! Dibs on "The Haze."

There were two Halflings, so that makes a Wholeing. That's how they made it.

I think our chance at the perfect Ignatius died with Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes.

Then it would be the Species franchise.

Miles O'Keefe makes it all ok.

My feeling is, that if the Love Guru hadn't tanked, Mike Myers would have had four of these out by now.

Even worse: it was the brown acid.