
Every scene in the restoration looks like a pristine version of someone's last known photograph.

That said, I should be so lucky to look like Inigo Montoya when I get to his age.

What was the middle thing again?

They would have at least a point if the producers did pay for interviews, after all, that was A&E's claim for cancelling the KKK show. That "free publicity" bit, though, that is such a legal subclaim piece of bullshit. Any media account of a person or business is, essentially, free publicity. You might as well argue

Your description could use a little more weight.

in the shape of a water buffalo, which was then quickly dismembered.

Before or after?

A Statler Brothers reference - that's some deep cutting.

Agree with just about everything mentioned so far, but have to mention the Yojimbo scene where he rescues the kidnapped woman, kills all of her captors in about 30 seconds, and then spends a minute or so making it look like a much more involved fight so everyone will think it was gang of assailants.

It's one of the stipulations of his Work Release program from Hollywood Jail.

I totally would've guessed Lucy was the Trump enthusiast.

Did Jack Reacher go black at some point during the last film? I must have missed it.

I so want Alien v. Predator to be remade as a straight courtroom drama.

And then Predator shows up.

Something something dna, something Prince Charles' ears.

Teeth, the Musical. We need that vagina dentata song before the intermission.

I have to say, Finn Wolfhard sounds like one of those beefcake names shouted out on the MST3K Space Mutiny episode.

With a name like Roger, not only do you have Roger Rabbit, American Dad, and Roger Sterling from Mad Men (At least he's kind of a cool alcoholic womanizer), but your name is basically the F word in British slang. The worst time though, was when the musical Rent was popular, and that damn answering machine song.

Christina Ricci should play both Jack and Meg White in the inevitable biopic.

They should make a Nikki Heat show, and just make it all adapted Castle episodes with different actors.