But can he dunk?
But can he dunk?
Throw out gender and it really looks like he was the one who just went through labor, doesn't it?
Too generous
Despite bad grades, those kids managed to avoid a C section
I just dipped my balls into a K cup. Bad for the environment, those things.
I can’t read the whole article- too busy playing doodle jump.
Sources say he has knows more than 10 names for his penis. His children, on the other hand...
I've snorted cocaine with his baseball card?
Great piece. Was it worth having to defend it from the ‘call them terrorists!’ reactionaries? Was glad Soylent whomever tied it in a bow at the end, at least.
Harvey Dahl is Irish?
As they cart him off the commentator helpfully says that ‘his eyes are moving!’
We’re only a few years removed from the glorious Pussy Riot news cycle
AP prefers it one on one as long as one is young and the other is him.
The drone must have been Malaysian
With that schedule I think it's safe to say he isn't there to play school
I just LOLd
6 of 26 is bad for them, but do you realize that if two of those fell, boosting them to 8/26, suddenly they're better than average for Brooklyn or Memphis? Yowzers.
Do you think it’ll have any blowback in terms of UFC’s bottom line? Seems like he can say whatever he wants and the UFC will keep making money.