
John Kerry is abusing his powers

I was thinking about this largely because of your Murphy coverage. He’s in my kinja name, his is the only jersey I own, and he says that anti-gay shit this spring and I wanted to burn the only jersey I own. Made me think, though- if religion is no longer an acceptable reason to hold [what we now, correctly, consider

I work evenings. It’s been enraging that MLB can’t tell me when the game will start in BOTH cases. It isn’t like they decide right after the series ends!

Kim Davis tried to put a stop to the only satanic pacts Murphy is aware of.

Murphy works that wood, man.

It isn't like they're upper deckers. He's a line drive guy who added a bit of an upswing and has gotten lucky.

He has to stop eventually

The officer did not observe ‘difficulty multitasking or trouble keeping his equilibrium.’

It’s impossible to like one of those things but not the other? Really?

I had a feeling something just HAD to go wrong.

Tough to leave sure money for ‘is it my turn to talk now?’

I said he likes him. Not endorses.

Is Tom Brady not a smart man? We put the masters of reading the defense on such s pedestal that maybe we overlook them not reading...books? If I trusted a their/they’re/there fuckup with a whiff of my (scant) personal fortune, I’d expect my (not) Brazilian model wife to rip me a new one.

Do I have to subpoena you to actually show me requests 7-9 or can you just not stop the list abruptly and without explanation?

How to explain it then? Maybe the existence of the ‘statistic’ called ‘saves?’ Not being douchey- I think the stat and the hero aspect that comes with it (think Vaughn in Major League) has led to over-emphasis of the Final Inning and The Closer.

Those Brazilians got away with a close shave

You know he had someone take his SATs for him, right? To make sure he got the whopping 400 each on reading and math.

I’m glad the sea turtle/baby whale/tuna/flounder/ fuckingthing wasn’t dead/dying/in serious fucking trouble after all. Holy shit!

The Vikings may have a job opening for you

I've met Ragnar, and you, sir, are no Ragnat.