
I figured that Holdo got lucky enough to hit Snoke’s ship on the acceleration to hyperspace, not while actually in hyperspace. That and Snoke’s ship was big and unweildy enough to be an easy target. It wasn’t big enough, however, to trigger the failsafes that keep ships from flying into moons or planets (like the

He wasn’t even really a good entertainer. The entertainment from his show came from the contestants doing all the goddamn work. The catharsis came from Trump shutting the uppity ones down.

I’d like Holdo more if she actually DID something during all that time she was in command. Like, have the chase actually be a running firefight where both sides are maneuvering and exchanging turbolaser shots. Have Holdo coordinating the efforts (and maybe not blow up the Resistance starfighter corps and the only

I don’t understand why they don’t advertise ‘normally’. The product is good, because I tried to be salesman for those knives myself. All I got out of it were a couple checks for the paltry handful of knives I sold, and, of course, the set of knives they make you buy with your (parents’) money to do the demonstrations.

Maybe now that they’ve shaken up the Zelda formula and had it result in a massive success (Odessy too?), they can do the same with their other IPs. Star Fox with free-flying Ace Combat style flight mechanics, different flyable fighters with their own unique stats, and varied secondary weapons? Or maybe ‘old is new’

This is a video game. No one has to play a video game to survive. Unless they play them professionally or for Twitch streaming, but cheating is counter-productive to both those goals. No, these guys are cheating on their free time because they’re assholes who enjoy dunking on people through no skill of their own.

No, not that. The mech in the cover art changes depending on the release. I’m talking about the silhouette that appears next to the title logo

I suspect you actually wouldn’t want to fly those bombers in a video game. Slow, finicky payload, no shielding, cardboard armor...

I actually wouldn’t mind a Star Wars game that was more Battlefield than Battlefront. Mechanics wise, I mean. An emphasis on precision blaster fire more than detonators, detonators everywhere. Maybe more more expansive maps with a control point game mode?

I mean, the old games still exist and are playable (thank you Steam/GOG). They don’t have the modern polish, but there’s HD texture mods and stuff. There really isn’t a ‘casual’ starfighter game really available; Rogue Squadron games were the best/only ones and they’re not around anymore.

The problem with the new canon is that it’s just... too small in scope. The Resistance had one base, one cruiser, and now there’s hardly any of them left. There’s no room for different squadrons or detatchments doing different things across the galaxy.

The Timber Wolf only showed up as the ‘logo’ mech once Battletech reached the Clan Invasion Era. Before that, it was the Battlemaster. But if they have a Timber Wolf as the logo mech for MW5... does that mean the Clan Invasion’s gonna happen mid-campaign?

Why aren’t their faces aero/hydrodynamic aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh

Sweet, maybe now we can have a Legend of Zelda with a female Link...

I feel like the game was tuned to be easier because control sticks just don’t have the precision of mouse and keyboard, plus the button layout can be odd. My accuracy and dodge roll timing are way better on the PC than on the Switch, personally. I invariably take longer to clear rooms and take more hits on the Switch

Little time for congratulations when you’re being chased by the First Order when you weren’t expecting it. The demotion was still warranted, given Poe just cut communications with Leia when she told him to pull back. Either way, he would just have to fly out and blow up the Dreadnought after the chase started, only

I don’t know about you, but sure looked to me like that Dreadnought was about to fire on the Resistance cruiser from much farther away than the two sides were during the chase. It was pretty clear the Dreadnought was equipped with long-ranged, very powerful guns.

Because a bunch of dumbass kids running around with Force powers is definitely going to make the Galaxy a better place.

If Poe hadn’t destroyed that Dreadnought, it would’ve destroyed the Resistance cruiser in the ensuing chase. No one knew that at the time of him doing it, of course. If you really want to blame those bomber crew deaths on someone, blame it on whoever procured those ridiculous WW2 concepts and not B-Wings or good ole’

Those Resistance bombers make painfully little sense. They’re huge, slow, apparently unshielded and barely armored, the bombs are dropped by a remote????, the self-defense turrets don’t cover the largest profile of the thing, and they depend on FLYING OVER THE TARGET AND DROPPING BOMBS (They’d make for good