I mean, this is a whole lot of bullshit.
I mean, this is a whole lot of bullshit.
Awww, they think they’re in New Eden!
There was never an issue of credibility with Qui-Gon, Yoda, or Dooku. They all achieved the rank of Master within the Jedi order, presumably after years of training and meditation.
Sorry, I misunderstood. At the same time, there does exist a training range to let you familiarize yourself with all the characters in a low risk environment. I use it from time to time to try out new characters whenever their released.
You know, right up until Hanzo gets hard-countered by a Winston or something.
If you were new to the game and weren’t familiar with the characters, why did you go straight to ranked? Why didn’t you start out in Quick Play?
So YOU’RE the guy who always picks Hanzo when the team needs a tank or healer.
Apparently in this comic universe the iPhone is the only smartphone brand that exists and Apple is the only personal electronics company as well.
I refuse to believe this bullshit. It is physically impossible for him to still be 10 years hold after all the stuff he’s been through. Unless he’s a Time-Lord and this is some Doctor Who shit going down.
Man, those realsports guys REALLY don’t like esports, do they?
I think it’s less about encouraging furries to be thin skinned about harassment, and more about encouraging people not to harass them.
Just because it’s not illegal or against the terms of service, doesn’t mean it isn’t a dick move. Just like harassing people for being a furry isn’t illegal, but it’s still a dick move.
We can assume that any particular threat is going to be engaged by ground-based counter-ballistic missile systems multiple times, right? That’s the case with anti-aircraft defense systems, it should also follow for missile defense.
But in the hypothetical latter case, the old raids are still there for players who haven’t reached the new level cap.
You... you missed the point entirely. Those three comments are all filled with stereotypes of African Americans/Jewish/Gay people, just like YOUR initial comment was filled with stereotypes.
God, i hate black people so much. The stupid sag on the jeans makes me so angry for some reason. Plus when they go out in public with their hip-hop and gangster rags and act like it’s completely normal and you’re supposed to think it’s cool.
In fact, the post game stats screen only shows the character/vehicle an ‘awarded’ player was using at the very end of the match. For example, on the Starkiller Base map, if some guy spent the first two stages racking up score and kills on AI fighters and guys on the ground in an A-Wing, he’ll show up as whatever…
This is not the benefit you think it is. I’d much rather stockpile a stable currency than a commodity that fluctuates wildly.
Pretty, shiny things have value. Much like an artistic masterpiece has value, even though it doesn’t actually do anything other than hang on a wall in a museum.