I hear it’s part of the Uighur re-education curriculum in Xinjiang.
I hear it’s part of the Uighur re-education curriculum in Xinjiang.
That pass was blinder than a Hong Kong protestor shot in the eyes by the Chinese government.
They most certainly have that right.
NBA: Bends over backwards and gets down on their knees to make China feel better after a GM expresses support for Hong Kong.
So after decades of defending itself without carriers, how did this happen? The one-word answer:
SoCo tells BoJo his plan is a NoGo.
Amazing. Every word of what you just said is wrong.
If you go down and read the replies, it’s pretty clear that the community downvoted that post because at that point, the mod who wrote the apology continued to refuse to lift a ban on the user in question even after they received confirmation that they had banned the wrong person.
The proper term isn’t downvotes, it’s “surprise disagreements.”
Well at least that will give them a sense of pride and accomplishment
Please don't buy this game, you simple motherfuckers..
I really appreciate reporting that doesn’t pretend the last five or ten years of game development trends. There’s a million places to stick the ‘turning point’ flag, but if the twin FO76/Anthem debacle wasn’t the nadir for industry BS masquerading as product, it’s going to suck to see what it will actually take to…
I felt really bad for O.J. Simpson until I remembered I don’t give a shit about anyone’s fantasy football team, and also that time he killed his ex-wife and a waiter.
I’m not typically one to cast aspersions on people I don’t know, but if Dan Dakich’s family member is dealing with chronic work-related injuries, has earned $100 million in the last seven years, and has a degree in architectural design from Stanford, then he’s an idiot for continuing to show up every day at the steel…
Seems shortsighted to me. What’s he going to do without football? Other than his family, tens of millions of dollars, a Stanford education, and relative youth, football was all he had going for him.
Much like all good colts who have suffered injuries, Andrew Luck will retire to a lovely farm upstate.
* grabs shotgun *
* takes Luck out back *
I assure you, Lord Vader, my man is working as fast as he can