
Free shit is free shit. If someone gave me a free house before the housing collapse, I don’t think I’d be super disappointed with my free house aftewards. But if I put money in that shit, I’d be devestated.

Aside from individuals who appear to be fully homosexual, many more males in various species show bisexual tendancies. They’ll participate in the normal mating routines, but aside from that (or if they didn’t get lucky) they tend to hang out and play with and possibly get frisky with other males.

Bungie Game Dev 1: People complained about grinding in Destiny and we don’t want our players to get burned out playing Destiny 2, any solutions?

Goddamnit I want to love that game but it’s just way too janky for me. We talk about indie developers rising up and seizing the spotlight from big publishers with good games, but for some genres, you really do need the AAA polish to make the experience.

I mean, you’re right. A raid should give you more XP than a heroic public event. But... that’s not... what the issue is?

“Oh no! Corporate profit! The force which is literally the only reason video games AAA mainstream video games get made in the first place!”

Jesus chris that figure looks like He-Man coming to spray down my weeds.

It’s because most of us would rather deal with a 2 hour commute than having our asses hanging out in the breeze surrounded by larger and heavier vehicles.

The dude’s 66 years old. sure they’re not just character skins in those boxes?

Destiny 2 and Overwatch have only cosmetics in their loot box systems. That’s a far cry from directly integrating loot boxes into multiplayer progression and giving people who buy more an advantage.

I expect they’d remove the option to solo queue or even duo queue. Maybe replace them with even larger teams.

It’s not about preventing a game from glorifying violence, it’s about preventing a game from glorifying individualism. PUBG is a game about fucking everyone else over and coming out on top in solo queue. The Chinese government wants all of its citizens to be completely subservient and toe the party line at all times.

As much as I like starfighter assault and how fun it is, they kinda fucked up the ship balancing. Defenders have no reason to fly anything other than interceptors, because interceptors are the fastest and most maneuvrable and their objective is literally kill enemy fighters. Attackers have to use mostly fighters

I mean, it’s fun! It really us! I love starfighter assault and I love galactic conquest and the campaign was fun.

Ah yes, the Muellertine. A relatively new development, researchers have theorized that switching from an oversized razor blade to a stone-cold motherfucker might lead to improved results!

Is... is that... Condiment King?

Presumably you keep the cans with you and bring them back to be recycled properly.

Sit for the anthem of a country that still underserves its population of color, stand for the anthem of a country that’s wracked with political corruption all over the place.

Did... did you read the article?