Overwatch lootcrates have skins, sprays, voice lines, emotes, etc. None of this affects your gameplay except for showing off your cool stuff in Skirmish or before rounds start.
Overwatch lootcrates have skins, sprays, voice lines, emotes, etc. None of this affects your gameplay except for showing off your cool stuff in Skirmish or before rounds start.
I never played Halo 5, but in Battlefield, having the last unlock rifle didn’t make you ‘better’ than someone using the AK-12. It was just a different option to use.
Not really. Save for stuff like GLs on assault rifles, all weapons and attachments are supposed to be balanced against each other. In games like CoD and Battlefield, all those unlocks are ‘side-grades’. They give you options and let you fight in different ways, but they don’t straight up make you stronger than someone…
Playing hundreds of hours to gain a skill advantage over other people and having more loadout options than them is perfectly fine.
‘My favorite indie dev’ isn’t making a Star Wars game. They’re certainly not making a large scale objective-based team shooter. Nor are they making a tight, focused space combat mode that’s really fun to play.
I wish they’d added ‘elite’ starfighers for each side. A step above normal fighers, but below heroes, like the enforcers and rocket troopers in galactic assault. Could’ve gone with B-Wings and TIE Defenders, for example. Ion Shot, dual missiles, and some fighter unique ability.
I really wonder what Disney thinks about all of this. They’re a very image-conscious organization. I wonder if EA’ll keep the Star Wars exclusivity if they keep pulling shit like this.
I mean... are you talking about local police? Or do you want to disband the National Guard too? Armed Forces?
Are we really going back down the ‘blame violent media’ path again?
Excuse me, what?!
Note that nobody who isn’t white is smiling in that picture.
The thing that hurt Destiny 2 the most for me was that Destiny 1 was never released on PC, so I never got a real introduction to the world.
Still doesn’t look like Harrison Ford
I mean, if they do that right now, they’ll for sure lose Congress in 2018, the Presidency in 2020, and who knows how many more elections after that. It’d be suicide for the GOP.
You know what’s still worse? There’s two ‘free’ currencies: Credits, which are for buying lootboxes and heroes, and crafting parts, which are for making and upgrading the star cards. Duplicate cards you get from crates don’t give you crafting parts, they give you credits. In Overwatch, duplicates give you currency you…
I think part of the reason is that a lot of these examples are one-offs that weren’t part of a larger campaign, so you can’t really get a sense of continuity. Keep in mind that most WWII shooters tend to portray major battles in one mission, maybe two. They might be good for a collection of ‘one off’ scenarios, kind…
So when do I get to run around as Cayde-6 and Golden Gun people to death?
Going off the demo, some heroes are already unlocked (Yoda, Chewie, Maul, Bossk). But characters like Han and Vader and Luke, you have to unlock with credits.
In the early access demo there was an Arcade section with scenarios where you could play the heroes and villains in the game, even ones you hadn’t unlocked yet. I assume you can play through those at launch to see which ones you like.
EA’s justification in this case is that all expansions and DLC and maps and stuff will be free to all players... but paid for by loot crates.