I make high 5 figures and support my wife and six kids in gloriously expensive California. It’s a matter of priorities.
I make high 5 figures and support my wife and six kids in gloriously expensive California. It’s a matter of priorities.
Post-industrial nations have set themselves up to where they have to import labor from countries with incompatible cultures. In a generation or two, there won’t be any ethnic Europeans left, just Arabs and South Asians in their place. The next 50 years are going to be a bumpy ride.
Then clearly your employer isn’t offering competitive salaries.
What shocks me is that everybody I know with a German luxury car has some maintenance horror story - especially BMWs. The BMW owners are still fanboys. Seems like they actually brag about the weird electrical gremlins it took 5 trips to the dealer to sort out. I have a 10yr old Chevy that has needed only one large…
I just like knowing that we live in a world where even if you are beautiful, rich, and successful, you can still get humiliated by your SO stepping out for a side piece.
Actually, because of the huge mass of cargo between the engines and the bow, coupled with hydrodynamic effects on the surface, it can be difficult for sonar to detect large merchant vessels from a narrow bow aspect.
Armchair Admiral Time: The destroyer has more people on watch between the Bridge and CiC than are…
Lets not forget car owners who list off all of the aftermarket bits they put into their cars, especially Jeeps. All of your shade-tree fiddling is more likely to reduce my offer than increase it. More likely, I won’t touch a car that is too far from factory.
Not enough female characters. Even if you account for team sports, things would have to turn slash pretty quickly.
Moving manufacturing to China is specifically problematic because of their joint-venture rules. The gist is that if you want to do business in China, you have to partner with a Chinese company, effectively exporting your own IP to a potential competitor. The IP laws in China are such that no Chinese company is going…
Moving manufacturing to China is specifically problematic because of their joint-venture rules. The gist is that if you want to do business in China, you have to partner with a Chinese company, effectively exporting your own IP to a potential competitor. The IP laws in China are such that no Chinese company is going…
TFA was every bit as flawed as you said. However, I disagree with MH’s interpretation of what Luke should have done. His ideas placed Luke at the center of the story when really it was about Rey and Han Solo. Putting Luke into TFA really would have made a disjointed film worse. Once you put MH’s version of an…
Yeah, it is out of character, but they had to sideline Luke or else the movie would have centered around him instead of Rey.
If you watch some Mark Hamill interviews regarding TFA, he had the idea that Luke Skywalker would end up being the her to end all heroes. The swashbuckling badass. So imagine his shock when the script calls for a character who is a bit of a has-been. Sure Luke was great in defeating the Empire, but his Jedi Academy…
Nice try Putin. But not today.
Are you considering the deterrent effect? If a criminal can presume that a person is unarmed, he is at much less personal risk when attacking you. If, instead, the criminal cannot reasonably presume that you are unarmed, the level of risk becomes much greater.
The deterrent effect won’t affect a lot of mass shootings,…
Its not Mopar. Its an AMC.
I was about to say the same thing. $6k for new paint and wood. Another $2k for an engine rebuild or $5k for an engine swap. Sort out the other mechanical and cosmetic gremlins for another $2k. For under $20k you could turn this beast into a $40k baller.
I have twisted two bolt heads off my motorcycle this week. Where is that setting?
Every other day during the female’s fertile period, with no masturbation for the male. Intercourse or emissions during any other period is a non-productive use of precious bodily fluids.