
National Guard Members are not mindless and it is unfair to call them that. They are members of the community that have sworn to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States and of their State. They are a cross section of races, ethnicities, religions, and political beliefs. Some are privately for the

Looking at full size passenger vans to haul my ever expanding litter of children. What dont you like about the Transit?

Needs to be pea soup green with vinyl woodgrain on the sides, only then would a Dad the f*ck out of it.

Its not an advert for GM’s engineering capabilities, its an advert for their eCrate line of consumer products. Its not what they can do, it about what YOU can do.

Livin' life 1/4 mile at a time...

Dealer/OEM: 1. only offer manuals with the least desirable trims and options. 2. Nobody buys the manuals. 3. Drop the manual option due to low take rate.

I love your articles David, but I think you ought to scrap this one and buy a plane ticket home. It would be so much faster and cheaper. Your neighbors and family would thank you for it.

2nd the motion on the NRA being a major disappointment for not supporting Philando Castile.

Except no matter which company, they are all soul-less egg shaped appliances. Crossovers are dull and I dont u derstand them.

Yeah, I decent 650cc will smoke this Zero all day and cost around $8k new. I don’t get the value proposition.

It would appear that PP doesnt love women, they really just hate babies.

I work. My wife is there for the kids and they adore her for it. There is no way we could trade positions since my earning potential is about double hers. Family comes first. I dont feel like I am winning. I am often sacrificing my own happiness for the good of the family.

Did you miss the part where the article said this vault had only previously been done by men?

Only accept help from female police officers, female doctors, female fire fighters. Only take your car to women mechanics. Make sure that only a woman collects your trash. Throw away all of your devices designed by men, programmed by men, built by men, and marketed by men. Crush the patriarchy.

There isnt any dirt. All the dirt that has come out is over 30 years old and well past the shelf life of relevancy.

Lets look at Mark Judges options. 1. He could remember somthing about the incident which would make him guilty of perjury and an accomplice to a sexual assault. 2. He could stick to his story, not go to jail, see his good friend go on to his dream job, and live with whatever shame he has been carrying for the last 36

At this point we have no reason to beleive one party over the other. The accused certainly has a lot to gain by refuting the accusation. The accuser has much less to gain, but there isn’t a difference between fame and infamy anymore.

Well, my perception is that the Democratic party would be wailing and gnashing their teeth no matter who Trump nominated.

If you have to frame a person’s accomplishment in terms of a very narrowly defined demographic (“44 year old single black woman with no kids”) it probably isn’t news-worthy accomplishment.

If you want to highlight the accomplishments of a historically disadvantaged demographic, I highly recommend choosing people whose

If the V6 manual gets just as good fuel economy AND its naturally aspirated (no turbo-lag) why would you go turbo?