
Outstanding article David. Thank you for writing this gem and introducing us to Mr. Ma. Perhaps Mr. Ma would like to guest write a feature about some of his more exotic vehicles or his musings on off-roading?

Doctrine of disproportionate impact. It is far more often that men are the payee in this sort of judgment than the recipient even though the law is written gender-blind.

Its is the same concept that leads to people saying that voter ID laws are racist. The law itself has no racial elements, but those most affected by

That’s all fine and good, but spousal support should not continue in perpetuity. Particularly for younger spouses, they have plenty of time to restart a career and earn their own paychecks. A 30 or 40 year old spouse shouldn’t be getting a lifetime paycheck, especially when you consider that people can work well into

My Aunt, a trained teacher, was married to my uncle for 18 years. During the divorce proceeedings, she continued with the adoption process for two special needs foster children. She is currently receiving have of my uncle’s military retirement pay along with alimony and child support, and a stipend from the state for

Instead of passive aggression, have you ever considered simply talking to people who are bothering you, or maybe just filling that space with your own body? 

The biggest problem with oil is all the backward assholes that live on top of it. Saudi, Kuwait, Russia, Nigeria, Venezuela - A lot of places with shitty governments.

The US doesn’t use much mid-east oil. Europe does. We don’t really care who is in charge of oil producing countries as long as the oil flows and prices are stable. Energy security ensures that we don’t have colonial wars for natural resources like we did from the 1700-1960's.
That military spending isn’t just to prop

Then just put a EV surcharge in registrations to cover the road maintenance.

Our governments have an accounting problem. All taxes go into a general fund and all expenditures come out of a general fund. This method washes money so you cannot separate out the relationships between revenue streams and services. Road and bridge construction and maintenance, traffic enforcement, and a portion of

I know a family who moved to the US from Denmark. Back home they drove a small car and mostly rode bicycles. When they came to America, the first thing the husband did was buy a V8 Grand Cherokee. He said he’d been waiting to drive a big American V8 is whole life. God bless the USA.

For many parts there may not actually be different manufacturers. It could all be sources from the same factory floor, with the same tooling, and the same materials. It could just be that one lot goes in AC Delco boxes, the other lot goes in O’Reilly boxes, and another lot goes into Xiaoping’s Ebay store. The price

Renewables are winning in the marketplace. Coal use is way down. Any emissions controls we want to enact, we still can enact (Trump won’t). So it really just boils down to symbolism. We will get the same effects, just without being part of the club.

Can anyone explain why the US not participating in the Paris accords is such a big deal? What do we, as Americans, lose? As far as I understand, the whole Accord is about voluntary compliance to goals set by individual nations with no force of law.

A skinny wife doesn’t east much, so she will be easier to maintain. Boom goes the dynamite!

“A fish is ‘No One’.”

Both the “writer” and the Austin Mayor need to grow up a bit. I have serious problems with creating gendered spaces. Women fought for a long time to enter into men’s spaces. If we consent to female only spaces, in fairness, we must also consent to male only spaces. This is a rollback of progress, not its advancement.

Tesla has a higher market valuation than Ford despite selling less than one tenth the number of cars and never turning a profit.

The problem is that Ford doesnt offer hype-men and speculators anything. The same misplaced confidence in the electric autonomous future that is driving Tesla stock to prices it has no right to claim are also driving Ford stock down.

I’m already half-way there. I just need the models...any second now.

Looks like Dodge Omni mated with a hornet.