
@Mekkakat: If apple is as successful as you speculate them to be in the next year it will be because consumers want their products. Apple set itself up with a disadvantage in price, proprietary hardware and even limited itself to one smaller phone network, and it still outperforms other companies in sales and

If the new Air is that new OSX multitouch flip-over thingamabob, I am so getting one!

I don't care If I'm labeled a fanboy, But 99 bucks for apple TV fits my budget better. I just want the Airplay and Netflix apps anyway. And no I don't have a game console for Netflix already.

All my friends are potheads and the high always makes them as happy as can be. I always get the panic attacks that consume my thinking about the entire universe and the futility of man. Not good when you are at a party. The same stuff definitely affects everybody differently.

lol, I love it. Just the thought if kids walking around with milk jugs on their heads brings a smile to my face. So depression era little Rascal-sque. Perfect for this post-bush depression.

We can't plug a leaky pipe here in the ocean, but we have something to hide in outer space. OK

Hope this pans out. I was going to ditch my BB for an Android, but now I will wait and see.

@anexanhume: Yeah, I Dohh-ed myself after posting it. I skimmed the article too quickly.

Apple is using Qualcom chips for it's next iphone. Qualcom has a dual CDMA/GMS chip in the works, so its not a stretch the iphone could have one of these in the not too distant future.

I like the price and I like what I have read about AirPlay. I agree with others that AirPlay will be the app people will eventually be won over with......if it works as advertised.

I dont know. Tech rumors and all that is cool and acceptible in my book, but when we start posting actual plans and maps online of anyone's personal home, to me it amounts to nerd porn.

On paper the specs of BB's tab look the best. This only makes me want to wait a while more before taking the plunge on any tab.

How well will it TETHER.

The 7" form factor is the perfect form factor for a tab, It will become the the standard size.

What does Super Wifi mean?. It means Verizon, ATT, Time Warner Cable, every single monolithic monopoly that has for the longest time been either the sole provider of telephone of cable to the city you live in, that has gouged you because you had no other option but to take it up the ass because you had no other option

Really nice. Very practical. Pocketablility and usability are nutually exclusive. Working on phone size devices is akin to torture. This form factor/size will be very commonplace in the years to come.

Holly smokes!

A kid riding a bike has never looked or sounded so beautiful.

This thing not only looks gorgeous but perfectly practical. It's just a tad too expensive for me. I believe I read it is upward $400. bucks