
They want the money but not the responsibility. They have chosen. C H O S E N to take the easiest path and grow reliant on it. Print advertisers don’t rely on Google, they do it themselves. It’s such a false argument that they are doomed. And it’s big media that makes money in aggregate. A small site wont make money

For every action , there is a reaction. It’s not just Darwinism involved. Nothing is just going to stand still. What the repercussions are, we’ll see, but when there is push, there is shove.

When we were kids, we would wrap a big handful of match heads in masking tape along with a couple of rocks inside. To light it all you had to do was throw it at something and it would ignite on impact. Yes dangerous and made a ton of smoke.

It’s good to see republicans care so much, but yeah only because when it’s someone else. Remember when Mitt Romney destroyed all of his staff’s hard drives? Not just deleted emails. but all state computers used by himself and his staff. Spent $100, 000 to do so. Hypocritical? I don’t even think that word has any

You KNOW they are going to add cameras and weaponry. I mean let’s face if, me or you were near enemy territory, who would you “volunteer” to go in and “get them”, you or the cheetah?

Drones in the air, cheetahs with machine-guns on the ground. Our new Purple Heart heroes.

It’s all well and cool, ..until it is used on us, or as we have seen, we deem someone capable of deploying it in the future and act out against preemptively. And unlike ISIS or any other bs boogieman, WE, more than a ragtag bunch are more susceptible to be not just attacked militarily, but an attack like this on our

I don’t know where you have been but, I for one watch all my tv content through an internet connected Samsung big screen. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO, all of it. In no way shape or form do I watch over the air content, but strictly over the net, the same with my and PC, iPad

The most gorgeous and gloriously shot movie about chaos, destruction and anarchy. The ugly side of man never looked so beautiful.

I think it renders a blogger unfuckable for going on and on with a petty issue. Beyonce and Katy are as fuckable as ever. Boy o boy are they still fuckable.

Those are indeed ugly examples pictured, but there are also a lot of gorgeous examples of this genre too.

I’m fairly certain Tomorrowland will be it. Genesis and Antman will be losers too.

Death is nature’s greatest facet. It allows a constant renewal. It allows the best genes suited to a current environment to continue forward, and minimizes those that don’t.

IS or whatever faction of the day, can come in and destruct, but then what? It is far far easier to tear something down than maintain it, much less build upon it.
Sooner or later, any such force has to try and maintain what they got, or walk away from it. Certainly they do not have what it takes to maintain it, a

this is an active persons device. This will be a hit with the younger crowd and anyone who is constantly on the move or work with their hands. Blue collar workers will buy them, whenever I go to a garage the mechanic is holding his phone with his chin with a rag wiping his hands. an old growth forest clearing the way for seedlings

Wow. People actually trust random bloggers more than NASA?

I just find the female voice more appealing. Nothing more than that.

This should have gone straight to video here in the US. Or sold to terrorists looking to buy a bomb.

It is incredible foolish to send anything but unmanned probes into space at this time. There is so much to learn that can be done safer and more cost effective with probes. Maybe in the future when we've exhausted all we can do with probes in our learning, but today it is not only foolish but borderline unethical.