
Naw this is a great social experiment. We are the most pictured and documented generation ever. People taking their own photos is the best way to catalog this era. They are a little creepy but that's what humanity is. Better this than posed stiff portraits that are a fake and edited version of man kind. This is a

Yes it can make calls, but I think we are looking at it the wrong way.

Remids me of one's life, or evolution. You can't see the full picture until you you examine all the pieces in aggregate,

I have no doubt that wrist worn devices will become ubiquitous. But not this LG atrocity.

No it was not released in 1973. it was not released ever. It was an experimental project at Xerox Parc.

strangely beautiful

anyone who has ever used Windows 8 knows it is not a UI for small tablets. Barely passable on large touch screens.

the BB storm was released in November 2008

Yep. I will never forget/forgive the BB Storm

How about we get rid of coins altogether and issue a "change card" worth up to 99 cents once change reaches over a dollar, the vendor gives you the bill and leaves whatever change in the card.

That type of screen is great, but they have to forget about the standard "watch" paradigm and have that type of display on the back of your wrist so it would be more accessible and better yet, so it's readable in landscape.

I like the tone of it. I like the naturalness of it. And the swinging looks a whole lot better than the obvious cgi of the previous Spider-Man films. Wasn't entirely looking forward to seeing it, this clip definitely changed that.

I miss miniature models ala 2001 and the original Star Wars. CG is cool and all, but for a lot of things it is still not ready for prime time.

Can't wait. This year looks to be a great one for movies. At least 5 must sees off the top of my head, Prometheus, Batman, The Avengers, Brave, Lincoln...

This film is going to make more money than it knows what do with. Looks like another Pixar home run, probably it's biggest yet.

Best. Star Wars. Game. Ever.

Much better. Why didn't Disney start their campaign like this in the first place. Could have saved themselves a lot of grief.

It's going to be such a bomb that it should be marketed to Iran so they don't have to build their own.

It's all made of a future CGI material. Everything in the future will be made out of CGI, and the entire world economy will be made up from Google Ad Words. EVERYTHING!.

There will be plenty of time to write Steve's obituary. There are plenty of other ways to get hits.