
That just made his dynamic with Carrie all the more interesting. I loved the line where he says "well you fucked me over and look at us. Practically partners." That to me spelled potential for great television between those two. I'm genuinely sad they got rid of him immediately after he started having an actual arch.

That's only assuming Maeve and Dolores have the same endgame.

The smile he had before the camera cuts away from him says he is pretty happy with what he got, and makes me think this is what he was going for all along.

"in more of a subservient role than just employees"

I know it looks like Calvin was being creepy for the sake of being creepy, but I believe he got naked in order to avoid getting Watts' blood on his clothes.

Yeah, I get where he is coming from. This is a weird situation, in the sense that I'm mad at both of them for how they are treating one another, yet I also wanna cut each some slack. Given how hammy the writing can be at times, they sure managed to convey some nuance into this.

Yup. It does work both ways. Matt is being a self-righteous asshole, needlessly so. I was fully on board with the bathroom rant from the previous episode, but Foggy lost his ground when he decided to stay past the point when their conversations went from telling a friend the hard truth to just toxic.

I'm just saying given the special circumstances in place, if Matt didn't show up one morning, my first thought would be something along the lines of "Jesus Christ, was this the night? Did they finally got him?" as opposed to immediately jumping to "What an asshole that guy!" I would reserve that last judgement until I

Welp, I guess I'm a softie then, because that wouldn't stop me from putting my concern over his well-being before my personal feelings of humiliation. At least until I made sure that he isn't suffering from any concussions while I tongue-lash his ass.

Then again, if you knew your partner was putting his neck on the line every night doing some vigilante work on the side, wouldn't you at least try to hear his side before you make it all about you? I get that he is fed up and justifiably so, but not even a "nice to see you are still alive" or something along those

Am I the only one that thinks Barrow has the bubonic plague instead of cancer?

Coincidence? The entire episode (which I assume takes place on the same day) built up to him feeling cornered, financially speaking, and prone to doing something reckless like this.

"True, she can mope and whine about a decision someone else made about their own future for as long as she wants. Hip hip hoorah."

Oh I know, and I think she does too ("Should I give him 20 more years of my life?" she told Janet during their conversation in this episode), but like I said, the fact that she "gets it" doesn't invalidate her feelings of disappointment.

…Same *lowers head in shame*

After going through all the reviews for Rectify's previous seasons and getting used to comments among the lines of "16 hours later and only 14 comments! Why aren't more people watching this show?!" it makes me really happy to see a lot more people seem to have gotten into it as of this season (myself included).

Same. If you were ask me specifics I wouldn't be able to point out details, but I've been definitely getting some gay vibes from Jared ever since the pilot. I dunno, let's call it a hunch for now.

I really feel for her because she has basically given Daniel 19 years of her life, vouching for his innocence and fighting for his exoneration. To have him confess to Hanna's murder again must feel like a head-twisting slap in the face of all her efforts. That's why I liked that quote I highlighted above so much;

Oh she is definitely thinking about it, that's how I interpreted her reluctance to take the managerial position at Thrifty Town. But she is confused right now, and I don't blame her. See, basically her whole adult life has revolved around Daniel and getting him exonerated. Now that she has lost that battle she just

I hear ya about Teddy and all, and Clayne Crawford definitely killed it on his portrayal of a broken Teddy trying to hold the pieces of his life together (and failing), but Amantha was my MVP tonight.