
The majority were: dead, muslim, illegal mexicans, gays, blacks, and brain washed white people who hate their whiteness. The real americans voted red as you can see by the map. City folks are out of touch apparently..

Are you currently marching in the women’s parade in DC? You’d fit in well.

Great speech. Shove it down the politicians’ faces of their total failures.

For sure! And Trump will fix everything too :)

The Obama legacy:

Boy, its so weird that back in the day cancer was a rare occurrence. By you’re standards it sounds like we all have 100% chance of getting it. Your day of chemo and radiation therapy is coming so its a good thing you understand the process so well! lol


Although studies now show that even doses as low as parts per billion can cause cancer. Monsanto lied...

By the way, how do they create cancer in lab rats? Do they find those with bad genes? lol

That is so wrong. You can’t be in any field of study and miss it that bad...

We all have cancer cells. Its a natural thing and the immune system takes care of the aberrations. Its when the immune system gets weakened that allows those cancer cells to proliferate and cause problems. How can you disagree with that since you are schooled?

What you say is true, but you also have to realize that the FDA is a completely corrupt organization rife with payoffs and corporate ties (thinking monsanto here). There have been many “drugs” that have been approved and caused a lot of damage to people, yet did not get pulled off of the market for long periods of

I didn’t say all diseases caused by the two modes are reversible.

She is one of the few docs reading the published information. A lot of what she shares from her research is also corroborated by other natural doctors I listen to.

You mean injecting newborns with toxic adjuvants into their bodies to create an immune response when their immune system isn’t yet functioning fully? I think you catch my drift...

NooYawkers have a deficiency of anti depressants, tylenol, and viagra?

Viruses (also bacteria and fungi) are taken care of by a strong immune system.

Absolutely. That is not my statement, but one from Dr. Sherry Rogers.

Let me guess, its something that you need to use poison and radiation to kill because it dies faster than the host (even though the success rates are low and reoccurances are high)? What an ingenious treatment.