
Dude, you are living in revisionist la la land. They did not come to set up atheism.

Right, they fled the church of england.:

That is wrong, the founding fathers loathed government in religion, not the other way around. They fled religious persecution imposed by the state.

Cancer isn’t what needs cured, its the toxicities and nutritional deficiencies that breed disease. Mainstream medicine ignores much of this and will fail because they cannot patent and jack up prices on minerals, vitamins, and detox remedies. Natural Medicine is the answer with many techniques proven to work with

It is simple: You do wrong, you’re evil

More taxes on the rich is socialism. They already pay the vast bulk of taxes and stealing more from them stifles the economy. Who do you think creates the jobs?

Socialism is better? Higher taxes is better? Double and triple healthcare premiums are better? Abortion is better? 2nd amendment violations are better? Massive influx of illegals are better? Sexual deviance is better?

If democrat is a “race” then I guess I’m racist. Lol

Like I said, Trump was still by FAR the better candidate. Hillary is so evil it baffles the mind. Obama is so evil I can’t believe there are people who still can’t see it. WAKE UP

He is illegitimate. How can you not see that?

The problem is, is that the democrats are the worst of society, not the best. They are degenerate and akin to satan worshipers. They believe in sexual perversion, baby killing, socialism/communism, lying, stealing (more taxation), and are mostly atheist. If they are believers at all it is of a weird perverse sort

Are you the spokesman of all things elitist and evil?

Nobody has a drug deficiency. All they do is poison pathways or enzyme systems to cover up a symptom and not cure a problem. Use only in emergency...

1. The rich are the ones paying most of the taxes, ergo, they get a tax cut

Agreed. Not to mention all of the stats on child disappearances in that region. The elite worship satan and are full of perversions.

Quit smoking the CNN dude. Its bad for your sanity.

I’m sorry, but I drive a F-150...

All I want is my gadget site back and not a left leaning propaganda outlet disguised as one...

Libtards, quit this drivel. Trump won and you snowflakes need to quit crying about it. Make America great again!