
It’s been nice seeing so many Deadspin folks in our comments over here. Can't help but wonder how much longer we've got here at Jez. You people have helped me get sober. Helped me raise my teenager. Celebrated when I got married. What the fuck. I am so sad.

Fuck Jim Spanfeller

They just nuked a couple of commenter created refuge kinja sites for Splinter and Deadspin. Wouldn’t be surprised if all comments across kinja disappear within the coming days/weeks.

I’ve been a regular here since 2006. My social circle doesn’t really allow many opportunities to talk sports so I treasured that this was THE place that allowed for my dumbass jokes and ridiculous takes to be heard (and even then, there were better comments made by better people).

As an illustration Clark was fine. But this made him a legend:

Great, now I am crying about TWO things instead of one

I have literally never posted in the comments section before on this website and I regret it. This blog transformed me in ways I never thought possible, and I am deeply saddened by everything that’s happened over the last few months.

Concourse post, comments work!

Is this a good doll to bring to a restaurant???


I tried to watch the game last night, but could not find a website to tell me what time it started. So I was unable to watch.

Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.

This comment is about nothing. Just wanting to celebrate the ability to post a comment while it’s still possible.

Come on, be fair: we also make babies, cook things and occasionally dress ourselves.

jez finally becoming a sports blog is quite the silver lining here.

Jim Spanfeller should be be fucked with a belt sander.

Hey, they are with you guys!

Plus 20,000 Barry Petcheskys 

You go into a slack to try to find a single person to talk to about why there are no cigarettes in the Yesterday universe one time, and you create a monster.

Billy Joel is the autoplay Farmers Insurance ad of rock radio.