
Is it true that it's part of women's nature to smooth things over and be more collaborative? That's probably one of those things that's never going to be answered, but there are certainly lots of people out there - actual, scientifically inclined, with data and research supporting them, people - who argue that there

No kidding. If someone would please let me know where to find these (or a knock-off), my wedding is coming up and these'd be perfect... ;-)

Wait, people are still surprised Moffatt has a run of treating female characters badly? Really?

Yeah, I wish it was cropped more like you'd see in a sari top.

Came to say the exact same thing. And post an image of the Count. ;-)

Chances are, it was someone she worked with. :|

In my happy thoughts, the woman is a MMA fighter and can use that knife well.

S'called "not understanding the First Amendment."

I know she's from Melbourne originally, but when she's got that accent on, she reminds me of someone from Sydney's North Shore who doesn't want you to know she's from Australia.

Oh, I don't doubt that being kicked out is punishment. (Thanks for the link to the Repubblica.)

Why? What are they going to do, pay to set her up?

Is there really a difference? "You need to leave" is "you need to leave." The town has said that they will step in to take care of her.

Nothing so far. The most I can find is that she is 31 and from El Salvador originally, and that particular group of nuns runs a home for the elderly. There's clue as to how long she's been in Italy.

Well, you know, it's important for toddlers to watch the fantasy suite scenes as early in life as possible!

I'm just gonna drop this link to the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics right here and wander back out.

I take way, way too much fun in puncturing the sails of evobio supporters. It's a flaw, I admit it. :D

Ayup! Which isn't, of course, to say that All Buddhists Ever Always apply the same understanding to the precepts or discourses (just to put that out there before someone comes in and digs up a quote by some lama or another saying something that contradicts us), but the lack of single central authority or belief in a

That circular pupil, ears back look is called "has the devil in him" in our house. And generally it's right before Overlord Zeus decides that he MUST kill ALL the invisible mice (and/or our feet) RIGHT NOW.