
Cumberbatch is probably reaching saturation because of his name - it gets talked about/made fun of quite a bit on the talk shows. I don't think he's considered an A-lister, though, simply because he hasn't shown he can headline a movie.

High five, fellow Buddhist.

You're kind of downplaying what Spitzer did, though. The investigation into him started when large amounts of money were being moved into and out of his bank accounts, and he was suspected of either money laundering, bribery, or blackmail. That's why the IRS/FBI began investigating.

Actually, he's the former governor because when he was state AG, he specifically was anti-prostitution...while seeing the prostitutes behind everyone's back. And the only reason THAT was discovered was because he was moving so much money of such high amounts in and out of his bank account, the feds suspected money

The funny thing is, if you actually went by HUNTER/EVOLUTION, then it's the lithe runner guys who'd be the ones women's eyes were drawn to, since that's how we ate meat. (Endurance running to overheat prey, etc.)

If she is his patient, then yes, there are clear ethical violations. However, I'm not sure it would be possible for you to report it, unless you have solid proof, rather than "I just heard..." Gossip is pretty difficult to act on.

It. Was. Sarcasm.

I was SO close to adopting an abandoned Shiba Inu a few years ago. I still sort of regret it, but I decided I wasn't at a dog stage in life at that time (and in hindsight, a good call). I haven't seen one coloured like yours before!

I suspect she's the kind of person who convinces herself anyone she sleeps with is her boyfriend, so that she's a "good" girl or whatever.

Yep, they're just very different forms of meditation. (And have different effects on the body and mind.) Doing one does tend to strengthen the other, though. (I suck at sitting meditation when I start doing it, but I often find it easier than trying to focus on JUST washing the dishes. ...that also could be because

I think Miley Cyrus did it the best (and I'll go offer prayers for saying that sentence, I swear):

Yeah, these days I tend to leave it at "there are 42,000 different religions in the world. Most are not monotheistic or Abrahamic." I've written/ranted on it elsewhere, too, but my big issue with it tends to be that it's attempting to erase a data point that contradicts a staunchly held worldview (typically atheists

Yeah, if the bed picture wasn't included in this - given that was the image most obviously manipulated - it was a bad deal.

As others have pointed out, part of the problem with this trend piece is that it's conflating one type of mindfulness meditation with another type of mindfulness meditation, not to mention meditation in general. ...and I hate to break it to you (okay, probably not really), but the practice of being mindful in the

As a Buddhist and a philosopher, it irritates me when people try to insist Buddhism is a philosophy and not a religion.

Contact for months. Sexting for weeks.

Actually, I'm not obtuse and have had quite a few conversations with quite a few people about it. When you wear an item of clothing as a costume, it's problematic. When you wear it as an item of clothing, it's not.


People always look at me oddly, but it's one of those beautiful movies that has stayed with me.

You're conflating two separate things. The full story at least strongly indicates that while Jill and Muffley had contact on Facebook for months, it was only a few weeks for sexting.