(It was a joke.)
(It was a joke.)
Maybe the issue is that people in Toronto are too polite? Canadians, ya know. (Try taking up too much space in Philly on a full train or bus. Go on. I DARE YOU.)
I dunno, I ride transit daily. I almost always take up two seats until it gets full, because I put my bags next to me. And it's such a problem that there are actually signs everywhere saying "please don't put your bags, feet, coats, etc on the seat next to you; seats are for riders." I ride less crowded routes, so…
1) they were mostly there confiscating his security cameras and videos, since he has them pointed at the neighbor's house;
Nope. It's all about preparing your daughter to marry young and immediately become a mother. It's a thing in that sort of religious circle.
I wasn't talking about the dirt accumulation, I was talking about the thickened/calloused skin, hair not professionally cut (but instead burned in the fire), and thicker, non-'neatened' nails. (Hence saying skin, hair, and nails, rather than talking about dirt levels.)
I wasn't talking about the dirt accumulation, I was talking about the thickened/calloused skin, hair not professionally cut (but instead burned in the fire), and thicker, non-'neatened' nails. (Hence saying skin, hair, and nails, rather than talking about dirt levels.)
In some ways, she was ahead of her time–the willowy ethereal skater still dominated at that time, and everyone was looking for the next Yamaguchi. The powerhouse skating didn't come into play for another few years.
On the one hand, I cringe at the pictures. But I admit, the tiny academic part of my brain is going "huh, human evolution probably went through a period where we were becoming hairless where this was probably the norm for what skin, hair, and nails looked like."
Offhand? Lil Za probably took the fall for a hefty paycheck.
No, it was at night. And dried egg is very hard to remove from even the 'toughest' of paints; Venetian plaster is not one of those things. It can also stain both wood and porous materials, and degrade varnish easily (without having to dry first). The shells are abrasive and can leave scratches. (People have been…
Venetian plaster and wood doors/frames. So VERY expensive. (As other people answered cuz I opened this and then walked away, oops. Sorry!)
I'm serious. If you know of a Kiwi source for a fur-lined leather glove (as opposed to merino/possum, which I have and love OMG), lemme know. Totally in the market, and the to-be spousal unit is in Melbourne for a few weeks.
I really can't hate on him for always appearing confused/distracted/generally not liking having people take his photo whenever he's out. I'm pretty sure at that age, I would have been the girl photographed hiding in a jacket nonstop.
Yeah, I used to do the martial form of tai chi, but moved away from my teacher. My fiancé practices (& now teaches) Mizong chi fa, Shaolin & White Crane boxing.
Nope, but that's all Planet Fitness is. I just live in a high college area, so it's overrun this time of year. 10 months out of the year, it's fine. :-)
Helllllooo Sherif! (He does the best pratfalls.)
Huh. I'm not even sure where to start looking for something like that, but it definitely sounds like a possibility!