
Yeah, there's a Crossfit around the corner from me, but they don't do disability. I have my very own martial arts teacher moving in in about 9 weeks, which will be nice, but a gym would be, too. dreamy sigh

You don't have to be a supermodel to land a hot guy

I think it depends on what you use it for. I started off using it years ago, and used it just to follow TV show writers and some media folks (like the VP of programming at SyFy). As the service has grown, I've changed how I use it, and these days I mostly am trading insults (and having conversations) with academics, can join the gym at a hotel? Or is this a "just casually saunter in" thing?

Okay, addendum: "and not be more expensive than the exclusive clubs around." (Because seriously, my YMCA is frighteningly expensive. It would actually be cheaper for me to go to the swank gym where everyone gets a personal trainer.)

As for Equinox, I wish there were a nice in-between from Planet Fitness's "OMG DON'T WORK OUT LUNK ALARM" mindset and the "IF YOU ARE NOT A TONED ADONIS YOU ARE A FAILURE" attitude at gyms like Equinox.

I actually noticed that about the list, and I'm glad you've given me a chance to interject here, rather than figure out how to clumsily state it: the NAACP award nominations above are all for grim, sad, horrific, depressing, tragic subjects. The most cheerful is The Butler, and even then,... while it ends on an

Fair enough - I've been in, alternatively, the goth scene and academic life for so long, I completely acknowledge I probably have zero clue what the average gal finds cute. :-)

Still, physical attractiveness is a factor in attraction to men and women shouldn't have to feel guilty saying it.


Well, that certainly adds a layer to it, since I certainly don't find him at all cute or attractive. ;-)

That's the perfect expression.

Oh definitely. And I think that a level of nuance that is missing is that many of these men who are not conventionally attractive (which is an odd phrase itself) are known as comedians, so that automatically clouds it: Louis CK is an attractive dude. But do I think that because he's attractive or because he's funny?

Math is hard, let's go shopping. (Thanks!)

Colbert might be (although I know people who don't think he is at all, and his 20s-era pictures really support that), but Stewart and Ferguson aren't, or at least haven't always been. And there are other names being added to this list, of comedians people love and would happily bang like a screen door in a hurricane,

I'm relatively poisonous. I figured it was appropriate.

Wash? Is that you?

Wikipedia is also a "quick reference" fraught with inaccurate information and which doesn't actually rely on the person using it to have any knowledge or information about the issue at hand. While it's fine for quick fact-checking and verifying information already known, gathering dates, or looking for primary and

He's not using bad examples so much as he's using cherry-picked examples that support his thesis, rather than looking at the wide pool of funny men who are also considered attractive. :D