
You're so much more patient than I would have been. Kudos.


Yep - I caught the mistake right after the window for edit closed. :-) (In my 'defense', I had Franciscan and then Jesuit priests when I was young, and I'm awful at keeping them apart. Francis made it worse with his name choice and veneration for St. Francis. :p )

I'm honestly surprised the Curia hasn't taken him out yet. He's a Franciscan! He's going to make all kinds of changes they're going to haaaate.

Actually–be sure you're sitting down for this–Francis supports contraception use to prevent the spread of disease. (Admittedly, this is a continuation of Benedict's position.) It's kind of a doctrine of double effect thing; it's morally acceptable to use condoms to prevent disease, it's not morally acceptable to use

That's my guess. (Sadly.)

Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking. The guy recognized her, knew Kanye was probably around, and figured this was a good way to make a buck. :/


I actually don't have a problem with him calling abortion horrific, as long as he works to improve living conditions, access to contraception and education, maternal/child health care, and doesn't block medical access to contraceptives or abortion for those who want or need them.

Here is the full quote.

Yeah, but I suspect that those of us who've loved him since Dirty Pretty Things probably aren't going to be the most objective. We're going to be the ones going OH DID YOU FINALLY NOTICE HIM? TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH NOW GIVE HIM ALL THE AWARDS!

They both looked so sad. :-( I just wanted to hug them, give them more alcohol, and remind them that 93 people don't an entire awards season make.

Because of your experiences, a lot of laws have changed. (In fact, I know more men with fulltime custody than women, and more than a few have ex-wives who describe your mother.) So people were watching and did notice, and took action - at least on the Left Coast.

Now playing

I saw this for the first time last night, and got about halfway through it before I asked my friend who was trying to copy the 1997 Think Different campaign. She said "Microsoft?" as a joke, and hey, whattya know,..

Yeah, I think the other thing is, it doesn't go far to create much positive goodwill when a study like this comes out and then parents come charging in to complain about how it portrays them or how unfair it is and that's not their marriage, etc and so forth. Because well, that's not what the study is about. But for

It's Jezebel. People would have been irritated by the congratulations phrasing, too. (And I suggest you look at just the default language being used by other people–parents–in this thread, to see just how insidious the language is.)


They're really productive and useful for people who have to deal with non-stop cultural pressure to have children because it's "better" or "what you do." They may not be productive for people who have children, but.... that's kind of the point? That there are more folks out there than just ones with kids, and there

That's because much of the language used around having kids is the same: "my life is so much better with children!" [Implication: yours will be, too!] "I have such purpose to life now that I have my children!" [Implication: you have no purpose to your life without children.] "I never knew how much I could love my

This. So much, this.