
Sounds like a perfect summer song to me. It's summer now, right? Right?

My new casting dream choice for Storm.

The shape is what gives it away. (They're not tear-drop shaped.)

I actually thought the first close-up WAS Celine, and was confused why she was there.

There's also something to the idea of subconscious learning, where you pick up ideas without knowing how or where you picked them up. But you know it, so it's true (to you). It's very possible that Teen Mom and it's ilk are having the effect of showing that raising a kid is hard, and it's not the sunshine and roses

It's one of those cases where I feel like I'm never going to get enough information to make any sort of informed opinion/judgment, only because the cards are so stacked against McDonald once she entered the legal system. In particular, witness testimony is so flexible and often wrong, it's hard for me to find it any

The problem with using Europe as a judge is that the HFPA encompasses much more than Europe.

I wasn't aware that I was required to submit a footnoted document listing sources when expressing an opinion. Do you require their phone numbers and addresses, as well?

It's always been billed as a black comedy.


Funny, I don't recall saying "European" anywhere. I do recall saying nonAmerican. Which is so much wider than European now, isn't it? do understand that illegally downloading movies in other parts of the world is as normal as it is for people illegally downloading Sherlock here in the US, right? Most of my overseas friends (and family) see new releases before I do, and they do it from the comfort of their homes.


The chin and the eyes. I'm not sure how anyone can miss it, at this point.

For a minute I thought that this film/globe part of the Red Carpet was the train of her dress spread out, and thought it was the most brilliant thing I'd ever seen.


Oh, I agree. I was busy gawking at Lupito. :-)

I'd be very careful to not conflate the UK with the rest of the world, and to not mistake box office success for critical success.

Yep. Trust me, by saying that nonAmerican audiences don't have an American context to the history of slavery portrayed in 12 Years a Slave, I am not saying nonAmerican audiences don't have their own issues of race and racism.* But that's just it - it's their issues, not ours. And just like their racism issues tend to

1. There's more to the world than Europe. (Shocking, I know, yet still true.)