
Oh that IS lovely!

I don't think it looks too old for her, but I agree that the outfit would have been better in two colours; the creamy white for one half and another colour for the other. (Maybe a tangerine. I think she'd look great in that.)

Some people try to argue it's from a poorly fitting bra, but I'm naked in my living room right now (long story), and still have it. My doc says it's a combination of being overweight and my particular chronic health problem (I have fat underarm area and swollen lymph nodes).

Yeah, as lunchcoma noted, it seems like people are divided based on if they saw the interview or not. (I didn't, so only have the stills to go by.)

The pink/blue makes me think "modern Princess Aurora."

As I recall (and I don't pay particular attention, I admit), she's got a disparity between her cup and band size that makes her hard to fit. I know her measurements are typically given as 36/38-X-X, but they try to say she's a 34B. Heh.


Aha - I ...wait, why are you grey? WTF?

Yeeeees peeerfect!

Ah, I missed her moving in it, which might explain the differences in opinion!

It's funny, because her dress doesn't look like it fits at all in the top to me. :-) I assume she's wearing the boob-crushing corset under it.

Sorry if I conflated your comments with someone else, but a lot of people are chatting at me at once. I think that Hendricks looks unfortunate in that dress, and pinched. A lot of people do tend to think the same (and there's even a running Jezebel commentary from last year's awards season about whether or not

Seriously? Christina is gorgeous, but frequently graces "worst of" for "boobs busting out" issues with her dresses!

You have NO idea how happy that makes me. :D

Oh, I agree, I'd never wear it. But have been told by many professional fitters that the digging is what happens when you have the pouffy lymph nodes. :/

See, that doesn't look like it fits to me - it's not actually touching her skin; her cleavage is being created by a strapless bra (or more likely, a corset). I suspect if you saw what she was wearing under the dress (which looks like it's held up from boning), you'd see the same effect.

The last time I wore a dress like that, you sort of strategically fall back into the chair, and then pull your knees up. It takes choreography. So I figure as she gets drunk, someone should keep a camera on her. :D

That's a totally separate thing, and I'm afraid there's no help for her there. :D (Her posture drives me up the wall. I blame Tyra, completely.)

I think it's a dress that doesn't move well, to be honest. I'm surprised there isn't an assistant smoothing it down, but I think structurally, the boning works and fits. (But hey, welcome to be wrong.)

I've never seen a big-busted girl NOT bust out of a strapless dress, but I'd love to see examples. ('specially as a big-busted girl myself.)