I've never ever seen a strapless dress on a larger-chested girl that didn't do that, but I'd love to see pictures that show it's possible!
I've never ever seen a strapless dress on a larger-chested girl that didn't do that, but I'd love to see pictures that show it's possible!
Yay. Because seriously, she is divine. Possibly a goddess walking among us.
Here's a compendium of who whore what
Hadn't realized there was a fire out that way. :-(
I think we're getting weird perspective issues in that picture because of her false lashes, actually.
I'd guess because it was already in a dirtbag or two. (Sunday apparently is Repeats around here.)
"The stalker songs" is how we refer to her music around here. (And we both love her voice and music; we just try really hard to avoid thinking about the lyrics too much.)
Maybe it depends on where you were? I know my family photos don't show anything to that level of bad (really, a different level of bad; more That 70's Show), but I've seen pictures on walls of family restaurants in Jersey where I've wondered if the place used to be a disco, cuz of the clothing.
It's an interesting take, though, on how different standards became for men and women, isn't it? I look at pictures of my family in the 70s, and am grateful I was a baby and thus cannot be held responsible for what I was wearing. :p
She'd already moved to a different wing. It's probably just a matter of time. :/
Are you in WA, or did others break out? :-(
You have to use their catering and their bottle service. I was quoted $28,500 as a start.
No, that was my suggestion for a neat, clean way to finish the damned "controversy" before it started. He misspoke, he was called on it by several people (before it became a media thing), and instead of being gracious, he dug in and refused to admit he made a mistake.
Never said anything about cutting edge. Did say about it not being hipster. (OBB-related stuff seemed to drift more towards the goth/punk aesthetic; there was definitely barnyard hipster stuff, but not to the point I'd qualify it as that before the others.)
Sorry, I should have been more clear. Basic notions of American etiquette are derived from Northeastern WASP etiquette, mostly because the people who wrote etiquette columns when they were first A Thing were WASPs whose goal was integration of the immigrant, so they shared their standards. At this point, that's become…
Well, etiquette isn't a universal thing, and The Knot etiquette concept is rooted in Northeastern US WASP standards. (And the idea that an open bar is an etiquette standard is hilarious.)
Eh, they make money mostly by advertisements, not so much off users. (You can pay if you want, but you don't get any bonus for it.) And it's a good place for people to go in that (the forums) are accepting, and you don't "have" to do anything other than what you want, and you'll receive support for that.