Oh how little you know about racists.
Oh how little you know about racists.
Yeah, let's just say it's a wakeup call when you get neo-nazi crap left on your front door and lawn because your uncle's dating a non-white woman. "Keep to your kind" mentality exists all over the place.
Yeah, I saw it a few days ago, too, and thought that when we get to the point where everyone sees this as an image of "what a manly man does," we'll really be living in a great place. (Especially if tied into that is the notion that it's manly, sexy, attractive, etc, especially as male body image issues and lack of…
I feel ya. I have to eat an ultra-high protein diet, and balancing that with caloric load means sometimes other things are cut. If I take too many carbs out, though, I end up MUST EAT ALL THE PASTA EVER.
As a woman whose hair has less body than the straight wall behind me, I am swinging between Impressed Awe, Jealous, and Structural Bafflement.
Through most of my 20s I was Team Neither, but in the last few years I'm back to TEAM SWEET (mostly OMG CHOCOLATE though). It's moderately irritating, since it would be nice if savory things were more calling my name sort of thing.
AFAIK, he doesn't even have a regular gig here anymore in Philly. I'm not sure where's he's working at the moment. (He's one of those "and everyone hates him" former area reporters.)
I'd say "and made himself look like a bigger asshole," except anyone who is familiar with his former work at the Philly Inquirer already knows he's about the biggest asshole out there, so.
she actually is really just into savory foods
The host responded with an intimate story to illustrate why she finds it so important to dedicate time to the Investigation Discovery show, even with the demands of her day job.
I wasn't too connected to the PDX poly scene. Know an awful lot in the Seattle scene, though. (Lotta overlap with the goth/industrial kids.)
because where is the woman marrying scores of men and arranging month-long sleep schedules?
AFAIK, only she left - think her kids and her husband are still here (as American citizens), which is the interesting part (at least, to me). He makes a lot of money at UPenn, and I can't see them willingly giving that up without a fight.
Yeah, UPenn hasn't started back up yet, and their kids live with her in NYC. ;-)
So, she was indicted and told to leave? A pretty big difference from fleeing the country.
She didn't have diplomatic immunity when she broke the law. So.
It's not valid, though. She didn't have diplomatic immunity, and this isn't about anything that happened on Indian territory (ie the Indian embassy).
She didn't actually have diplomatic immunity, though. She had the step below it. Which sort of negates the rest of your argument. (You're also conflating the idea of the embassy, which is considered sovereign territory and thus has privilege and immunity, and workers who live outside the embassy and don't have full…