
Still interesting: her husband is an American citizen. Wonder where he is right now.

No, the raped girl was just re-hospitalized. For her third suicide attempt since he raped her and then left her to die in the cold.

"This is another example where the rule of law has been fairly applied....We can only hope that the readers will understand the time and energy that has been given to this resolution."

Hah, you can make that argument with Firefly's original pilot vs. The Train Job. ;-)

Do TV shows that start out with an audience test of a movie get the "it's just a pilot" excuse? (Genuine question - I actually had the exact same problem with Battlestar Galactica. I didn't think the excuse worked for the TV show, since they had the miniseries before.)


You've been trying to tone police me since this started and then jumped into a conversation I was having with someone else, (note: and after I very simply answered your question). If you don't like people's negative reactions, you might want to stop overreacting in response.

1) I used a single exclamation mark. I suggest you dial down your over-the-top rhetoric, since it's biting you in the ass.

*shrug* Useful shorthand. Because again, AFAIK, people don't get to viability and go "oh well, I'm going to be a single parent, nevermind, abort the fetus I wanted last week when I was part of a couple!" or "wow, this may be harder than I thought."

You're assuming it's only restricted to abortion. I used that because you asked me about my personal experience, and that was the last BIG kerfluffle I got. I get rape and death threats when I say things like "what Dolan is doing to the McMath family is near-abusive." Anita Sarkeesian got rape and death threats for

I have noticed that you tend to get hate mail (woops, typed male there at first - MRAs would have had fun with that one) over more sexualized content (how to clean sex stains) and biological like menstrual stains. It's been interesting to see, but I don't read comment threads for your posts obsessively (er, sorry?).

YouTube comments might change, now that they're no longer anonymous. It'll be interesting to see.

The kinds of comments women receive are different than the kinds men receive. Male authors don't typically receive rape, sexual violence, assault, and death threats. Again, read Conor's piece for an idea of how he reacted to seeing what one of his female coworkers went through on a daily basis.

Hmm. Strikes me as odd that you can't easily find what his actual academic background is in. (Yes, a PhD... but in what?)

You can clearly see that one of my cats thinks I'm insane for not sitting on paper/cardboard with him. The look he gives me as he settles down on top of a paper grocery bag reads, clear as day, that I am missing out on something AWESOME.

They keep trying, and the judicial system keeps bitchslapping the anti-abortion folks down. It's like whack-a-mole, but more depressing.

I am, and Twitter in particular has become important in my freelance work. That said, I still fly pretty low on the radar. I'd say I receive one or two harassing threats a month, on average (between Twitter and blog).

I'm trying to think if I've ever heard of a case of someone going "meh, just not interested..." and aborting after viability. Nothing credible comes to mind. (And I don't consider places like Gosnell credible, for a variety of reasons.) Late term abortions generally mean a serious health risk to the mother, or a

Yeah, definitely soul killing. Dr. Tiller was an amazing man, and his successor is a woman of unimaginable strength.