
Apparently a poorly worded sentence. "When people are grouping social media and email into "the Internet", then your analogy doesn't work."

True, but you generally need to be doing panoramic or using a really wide lens to see that - not like this in the restroom, right?

No, she was second trimester.

(Ignore the troll. I fell for him yesterday. MRA.)

Probably not, for the very simple reason that the vast majority of doctors, even those that provide abortions, won't do late term abortions. (Tossing in my professional-ish opinion, it'd likely never fly. Doctors and ethicists are pretty committed to the viability concept, at which point there generally is considered

It's very, very hard to get a late-term abortion in the United States, for any reason. Are you familiar with Dr. Tiller and his clinic, or the stories women have published about the grief that generally sent them to him? (If you are, I don't want to bombard you with the information, because it's very sad.)

When you're grouping social media and email into "the Internet" (as EFF is), then your analogy doesn't work.

The cat of mine who does it will do it with anything about an iPhone or smaller, EXCEPT my engagement ring box, which he doesn't touch.

Sigh. Look, you're on the Internet. Please make use of it. Tonight, I am not up to being your Learning About Privilege and Position 101 teacher. Start with Hess's article, which spends two paragraphs explaining why the EFFs position is problematic and tone deaf, and then re-read her entire article. If you're feeling

It's not a good scene, and it's unfortunately (?) something that cannot be pinned on the current administration. It's sucked for a while.

Privileged male position: oh it's not that bad, just don't use the internet if it bothers you.

You too have an ennui kitty! An Ennuitty!

My younger cat has decided that the "fuck this" game is the BEST game ever. I'm idly curious where he got the idea from, as he does a mean imitation of this cat:

Crazy o'Clock is best for everyone's safety if the human's legs are well out of the way. (*watches younger cat do the apartment racetrack with resignation*)

Not NEARLY enough of the Up Kitty, Down Kitty* game to be accurate. :p

Add in some poison, and that's pretty much Australia, yep.

so unless a person is literally Michael Phelps, the offerings along the frontage road are probably overkill.

Because that's an almost perfect way to reheat milk gravy, which is in sad, sad supply in the Northern states.

There isn't need. There is plenty of product. The problem is one of access (no ability to freely get supplies on your own), not supply.

It's actually not an issue - there is plenty of product available, and Serco makes hand over fist subcontracting all that from the government. This is more about how asylum seekers are treated in Australia (it makes America look good), and on-going issues around health and access to health care in the detention