Winnie the Goo
Winnie the Goo
Chappelle and Rock: ‘If pussy was a stock. It would be PLUMMETING.’
Because the Warriors don’t already own long range...
I am sad I even grace this shit with a reply, but you’re a fuckin idiot.
As an Avs fan: We should be playing that shitty-named Vegas team.
Yep, we see people writing about fuckheads like Marchand doing this all the time.
Greatest part was Harris actually doing it.
Allow me to speak for the world:
Lemme know when a robot umpire ejects someone for arguing.
They’re running... to try and get enough stamina to escape their third world shithole.
Ggood. Fuck her.
She should have been shot already.
I am an avowed hater of all things from Massachusetts, but even I will say that I am pretty sure the dude just paid for a handjob without thinking of the global sex trade.
Thanks for not being a caricature of a feminist blog.... oh wait.
You skull doesn’t have muscles and padding no matter how big you are.
I wore my Dolphins gear in KC the other day and got endless shit for it. I just told them, nothing is guaranteed.
As a kid watching the Jazz-Bulls finals, I initially rooted for the Jazz because I am a hater and was tired of MJ, but then...
Jarvis Landry was ALREADY going to give me his babies, but now I might become a Chinese finger-trap.
I understand that everyone has rights, but lawyers like this live a shit existence. I only hope that they know they dont believe their own bs.