The Prefacer

The chief reason I have for disliking cops is their use of their unions to get away with whatever they want because they can literally hold citizens hostage until they get paid or let off the hook.

4 days in a jail... meanwhile people that drive drunk usually get out as soon as they sober up.

Fucked him through his hip right into the area between his ass and dick.  Also coincidentally destroying all future hopes for his wallet by collateral damage with a dick hole in it.

‘They say not to judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes... that’s because when you do judge him, you’re a mile away and you have his shoes.’

Faried is the absolute reason why I figured out how little I understand basketball.

My favorite way to explain this to my Repub family members:

The roller and the black wrap were so obvious as soon as they showed him on the bench. My bro-in-law said immediately, ‘Why the fuck is Embiid playing?’

Finally he is the Slim Reaper 

All it takes sometimes is a person to say, ‘I can help fix this shit.’

Presidential fries? Nay, FREEDOM FRIES.

Refs are lesser forms of cops, but with all the same belief in their power.  That kid needs to pay for making their boy look bad and they don’t care who knows what they are doing.

‘Daddy... where is dinner?

two counts of assault on a female

As a white man I say:

That is what you get for actually reading about Tim Tebow.

Tim Tebow To Tear Titties To Tatters Teethily.  

I, a white’ish man, didn’t fuck my wife to I Believe I Can Fly.

Do not take my star as a token of your wit, but just your ability to string senselessness together.

Old Man Nuggets Fan Here: Murray is my favorite Nugget because he has swagga.

I don’t think I’ve ever been more white, but I appreciate you guys covering this dude so close.  Haven’t seen shit about it besides here.