Rocky Jones Space Ranger

Do you read about lots of glee clubs playing “ookie cookie”?

particularly of a sexual nature.

“Looks like I made some poor assumptions. Sorry about that.”

“How to better control their emotions.”

Bullshit. Not even at another school? You are either lying or you weren’t paying attention. I can think at least 5 incidents from my town and surrounding communities during my time in high school.

I have many Dutch relatives and I absolutely love visiting them there. Leiden in particular.

Are they paying people to constantly repost this?

Emphasis on die.

This clear liquid that smells literally divine,”

Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey.

best gif

Why the fuck does she or anyone else think it is even remotely ok to literally take a piss on an escalator?

No, you’re right.

spoken like someone who’s never seen the Schumacher Batman.

Oh my god, it has chemicals in it?

Pretty sure The Takeout has the dumbest, rudest commenters out of the whole ex-Gawker group.

You’re making me think of my Oma. She was in Indonesia as a ‘guest’ of the Japanese, though.

Cola Light is goddamn delicious compared to Diet Coke. Always enjoy it when I'm in the Netherlands visiting.

Correlation, causation, etc. etc.