
I’ll save my thanks on that front mostly for Geithner, although Obama probably deserves some credit.

It literally isn’t important. You think it’s politically advantageous for Democrats, but that’s not the same thing as being important. Two weeks from now 98% of Americans will have forgotten anything about this.

No, Elon Musk, and others, left before C-Ville ever happened.

Well, as an “informed person” that tends to make stuff up every chance you get, what is so “significant” about the dissolution of the Council?

OK, Internet Professor. I’ll take your word that you have a magic economic cure for how to pay employees more without increasing the price of your product and can maintain the same profit. I’ll go look through the Nobel winners in Economics and see if I can find you.

Nothing in what you just wrote is anything I ever disagreed with.

I think that the CEOs that pulled out did so because they disagreed with Trump on the Paris Climate Accord and/or didn’t like what he said about C-ville.

You, again, made up something that’s not true.

It wasn’t meant to be funny. I literally meant exactly what i wrote.

I don’t know. Like I told you before, i didn’t even know it existed until yesterday. I, personally, don’t care why he dissolved it. You think it proves . . . something, but I have no idea what you think it proves.

You do understand I just gave you a list of a bunch of people that said they were staying on the Council, don’t you?

If by “this” you mean arguing with idiots on the internet, I argue with people like you all the time. I know how to work it. See above.

No one invests in anything to get less. That’s not how it works.

No one’s ever disputed the investigation is important. No one’s ever disputed that they may find evidence of collusion.

As I just wrote, they didn’t all exit and your statement they did is another lie.

Likely because it was a vanity project that, to some extent, gave them access to the President. Do you think they agreed to do it for charity?

Let’s see who is ignorant:

No, it’s an accepted fact that both sides were firing tear gas canisters at each other and fighting each other. You may not believe that but it’s true.

They literally had no tasks to perform. They had no agenda. Their dissolution impacts absolutely nothing and no one. It was a vanity project and that’s it.

I don’t tip minimum wage workers and, unlike the poster above, don’t go around saying I’d be happy to do so.