Mrs. Rocksteady

In that case, why not evict one of the other tenants who clearly had been there less time. This sounds like more than about merely taking care of his daughter (who could easily bunk in a spare room.)

Landlord here and yeah legally they aren’t but morally oh yes they are. Plus I’d make bank that this is just a way to get a low paying tenant out so they can jack the rent.

Then she should be home where her folks can keep an eye on her not rousting an old lady from her home.

I said capitalism. I am speaking of the system/ideology regarding capitalism as a whole, not individuals, case-by-case. But please, do elaborate (rather than attacking my point without a follow up) on how capitalism's fundamental nature can be reconciled with progressivism? At one point the inherent contradictions

Your statement is asinine; it possible to be a capitalist who is ethical and moral.  

You are all missing the point. This is a play to raise the rent. Smith was living there and paying a controlled rent, much lower than market rate after 30 years. The property owner is going to move in his daughter for a year and then rent it at market rate to someone else.

Yes!  If the daughter is that broke, move her back into your house so you can keep collecting rent from the little old lady.

He also owns a three unit apartment building, so there is that.

boogie = a dance

She is in LA. I don’t know where she went to law school but I doubt that she is making the low end of the salary scale if she is seeking employment in Los Angeles. Again I am not trying to be cruel but she’s putting a 102 year old woman with a fixed income out into the street. She could find another place.

This isn’t Monsanto plundering half the Amazon, or Umbrella Corp testing out zombie viruses. It’s some boogie family giving their kid a place to stay. In a building they bought. Tenant protections are a good thing, but a landlord has a certain degree of freedom over whether or not to rent a unit. Also: someone

Nah. This isn’t about the daughter. This is about the landlords using their daughter to exploit a loophole to evict a rent controlled tenant, which is a dick move regardless if the tenant personally knew Jesus or not.

Soooooo, anyone wanna continue to defend capitalism- or do you still think "we just need to fix a few things" before we can have a system that is (somehow) based on the exploitation of labour while simultaneously ensuring all workers are equal? 

Right! Put her in the spare room if she can’t afford a place.

Wages depend on firm size - BigLaw life pays very well, but the work is dull and the hours are crazy. My best friend left that life when her first child was born. (She advises everyone thinking of going to law school not to do it. There was a song on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend called “Don’t Be a Lawyer,” and she’s like

I know plenty. I married one. Yeah the hours and work were shit but she made six figures right out of school. I know plenty of law school grads that got pretty good gigs post graduation. When I got my MBA I was already working but soon I was offered roles paying six figures with signing bonuses. We were lucky.

The landlord replied by saying, “Would you take care of your child?”

Where is the GoFundMe at?

That was exactly my thought - does the adult law school grad need to be “taken care of?” Can’t she rent a place of her own? Unless she came out of law school without a job ...

I would assume that since his child is graduating from law school she could afford a place somewhere else. I am really trying to understand why his daughter needs this space. This stinks to high heaven and a pox on both the landlord and the daughter who seems to think she’s entitled to this place. I hope the negative