
@donrhummy: just try a Jaybird, the bluetooth transceiver is not too bulky.

@sbunny: just try a Jaybird, the bluetooth transceiver is not too bulky.

@Channan: just try a Jaybird, the bluetooth transceiver is not too bulky.

@Sandeep Murali: just get a Jaybird, the bluetooth transceiver is not too bulky...

@AV-WAVE: That's feline by me...

@aec007: Everyone is looking at this info wrong. Do you really want to live the hell that is life as long as you can? Hellllooooo... drunks drink to get away from it all and in their selfishness they are punished by enduring more of this life. Those that don't succumb to the "pleasures" or "vices" are truly blessed

@SQLGuru: cuz vodka tastes like sewer water anyways?

@daqman: I read concise is that still funny?

@ps61318: Does your face hurt? Cuz it's killing me

@vein11: are these the kind that are full size when full blown? it's not as useful as a self placing cone, but this I do condone; but to avoid the sound of my gf's drone, for she distracts me from my skills I hone, wait I think that's her on my ringing phone, these $18k can you to me loan? you say it's equipped to

@Anonymoose: you forgot the italics for emphasis

@evildead1971: mine is running in front of said car...

@The Intern: "That's not very relaxing" was my first thought...

@The Albatross: so there can be no zombie uprising because our brains are dying...

@Stem_Sell: I'm still getting a lot of static

@Chyfine: truly this is a real time machine...